Mrs Caroline Galea
Mrs Caroline Galea
Dear Parents,
We are slowly drawing closer to the end of the year. We have noticed that the children are becoming more tired as weekend activities ramp up. As we head into advent and prepare for the birth of Jesus, let us take the time to think about the meaning of Christmas, not just the commercial side.
The Pope has just announced that in late April 2025, Carlos Acutis will be canonised Blessed Carlo Acutis. This is the first step to becoming a saint. Carlos was 15 years old when he died in 2006. On the pilgrimage that I recently went on, we went to visit Carlos' remains at St. Mary's Parish in Assisi where they were moved in 2019. Seeing such a young boy dressed in modern day clothes was quite confronting but reminded us of the power that devotion and kindness has in our world.
As we enter this Christmas period, let us remember that kindness is an important skill to impart to our children and it doesn't cost anything to be kind.
I hope that everyone that came along to the Bingo and Paella evening had a wonderful time. This was an opportunity for a bit of fun and to socialise. Thank you to all those that supported the night with either their presence or purchasing an auction item or providing us with an item donation.
Kmart Choir Performance
A big congratulations is extended to the choir for their performance at the Kmart Wishing Tree launch on November 21st. The children were without their usual choir master Ms Rosa Zannoni. The choir was so well rehearsed that they were able to perform without a hitch. Thank you to Rosa and the choir for their wonderful work. Thank you also to all the parents who supported the children on this day.
Also to:
Our very own Christiana in Grade 3 who managed to win the gold medal at the National Taekwondo Titles and take out the National Title, completely smashing her division. This is a huge achievement and we are so very proud of her hard work and achievement.
(Pls see the Phys Ed page for Christiana's report of the event)
Canteen Lunch Orders
Please note that Friday 6th December is the final lunch order day for students for 2024.
A Night at the Museum School Production
Now that the dust has settled after such a wonderful production, we are excited to pass on the news that we will have a recording available of the event. We are hoping to have a video of the event available for purchase in early December. We will notify all families on Seesaw once they become available. This will be on USB. If you would like to purchase a copy it will be $10 and can be paid for at the office (after the Seesaw notice).
Needing Help!!
Does anyone have access to, or have a connection to someone that has a coffee cart??
If you do, could you please make contact with Derryn or Caroline.
School Fees 2025
Please see the 2025 fee structure below.
If you have any queries or concerns about payment, please make an appointment to come and see me. We have endeavoured to keep increases to a minimum.
If you are in receipt of an eligible Health Care or Pension Card as at the first day of Term 1, 2025, please see Leanne at the office to obtain a Concessional Fee application form and/or CSEF form.
Please note that the Concessional form needs to be completed on an annual basis, and can be collected from the school office from mid next week.
If you require a hard copy of the fee structure, please contact the office.
External Music Program
We will be changing providers for 2025 and beyond. Experience Music will be providing our school with music lessons. They are a small company with only a select number of schools that they service. Please see the attached enrolment details if you would like your child to take up music for 2025.
On behalf of Experience Music we want to express our joy at commencing our small music program at Holy Name P.S. as of February 2025. We want to thank the school and the wider Holy Name community for welcoming us and giving us the opportunity to serve your students through the gift that is music. We look forward to supporting your children as they explore, create, and experience the joy of this through our program. Please feel free to reach out to us should you have any questions. Thank you once again.
Tuesday 10th December is the date of our carols. The carols will start promptly at 5:30pm. On this afternoon the Grade 5 and 6 students will be holding a market stall between 3:30 and 5:30 where students and families can buy their products. This market stall is part of their inquiry unit on business and economics. We will again have a BBQ sausage sizzle and are calling on parent helpers to help cook and serve sausages. Special thanks to Oliver and Charlie's family for their donation towards the BBQ. Please speak to Derryn, myself or a P&F committee member if you can help out in any way.
Library Book Reminder
A reminder to students that all books need to be returned to the Library by
Monday 2nd December, 2024.
Please take this opportunity to have a good look around at home and return any books you may have, as soon as possible.
This means no borrowing after this date for children until next year.
Thank you
Gordana Jordanovska, Library Technician
Art News
School Reports/First Aid/Student Absences
Over the next few months, we will be transitioning onto an app platform to access school reports, permission forms and notices. This will hopefully bring most applications into one platform - nForma. Please see the instructions below to download the app and login instructions. From this app you will be able to access all past reports for your child.
Students not Returning to Holy Name in 2025
If your child is moving schools at the end of the year (perhaps due to moving house), please let us know as soon as possible, as class lists are being prepared.
Lost Property
We have quite a selection of windcheaters, jumpers and assorted drink bottles, containers etc in the lost property basket (in the office corridor). If your child has lost an item of clothing or other, please get them to check the basket.
Also, if any of these items belong to your child, please see Leanne.
M.A.D. Dads' Final Social Night