Level 3

It is hard to believe we are well over the half way mark for Term 4, but that doesn't mean things are slowing down in Level 3!
Students have been learning how descriptive and figurative language can help us understand the setting, characters, problem/solution and message in a story. We have used the mentor text 'Owl Moon' everyday to support students to successfully identify figurative language story elements and improve their visualisation skills. Last week we looked at similes, metaphors and personification. We move on this week to hyperboles and idioms. Here is the thinking routine we used to begin one lesson.
Our writing focus takes us back to revisit a familiar genre - persuasive writing, used to present a logical argument from a particular point of view or to compare opposite points of view. To get the juices flowing, we watched a clip about Simon who believes kids need recess. Simon's argument was effective because he was passionate about the topic, he used high modality words and included science-based facts and evidence. We will be aiming to achieve a high level of persuasion in our writing over the next few weeks.
We have been having the time of our lives during maths sessions. Topics covered include: telling the time to the minute, converting between analogue and digital time, adding time and calculating elapsed time, using 24 hour time and reading bus/train timetables. Boy, time flies when you're having fun!
The brainstorming, development and designing has begun in Level 3. Watch how this pile of recyclable building materials will be transformed into a collection of theme park rides! What will students come up with? The rides will need to be able to move using force but which one - Gravity? Wind? Magnetic? You'll have to wait and see. Please keep bringing in any usable supplies to school
“What qualities do you think Friendship Ninjas NEED to create Green-Zone Friendships?”
We summed up all the qualities in two words: KIND + STRONG. Students decorated both sides of their kind and strong heart before cutting it in half and sharing one piece with a friend. What a fabulous friendship ninja display to remind us to be kind and strong!