Student and Community Learning and Wellbeing

ICAS, Bebras and Math Olympiad
Congratulations to our students who participated in the above competitions and programs for 2024. We had many students achieving distinctions in these competitions, most importantly all of our students displayed a positive mindset and were committed to trying their very best.
Well done also to our Math Olympiad team who scored in the top 25 percent of almost 1,500 schools. This is an international competition. We look forward to our Olympiads working with Heathmont College next week and also our VHAP - Victorian High Ability students working with Great Ryrie Primary and Nth Ringwood Primary in a network English and Maths Masterclass.
International Maths Olympiad 2024 opportunity for students
If students would like to have a go at the International Maths Olympiad, please see the details below. This competition is flexible and is able to be completed at home.
About the competition -
GeniusCerebrum International Mathematics Olympiad (GIMO) is an International Olympiad that tests the skills, speed, accuracy and awareness in a wide variety of topics related to Mathematics. Free Online Preparation Portal will be provided to all students post-registration. GIMO is rated as Australia's Highly Ranked Olympiad in the year 2022 by International Math Olympiad Council. Close to 1 million Students participated in GIMO 2023.