Level 6
We're a great mix in Level 6!
Level 6
We're a great mix in Level 6!
By the time you are reading this, our wonderful Level 6 students will be on their final camp for Primary school! How exciting. We are sure you will hear all the fun stories on Friday when they return to school.
We have a few events coming up in the next few weeks, so keep a keen eye on Compass for any notifications.
Wednesday 27th of November - Math Olympiad day with Heathmont College (at HEPS), Colour run 2:00 - 3:30pm. Wear a white shirt if you want colour on you, wear a black shirt if you don't.
Friday 29th November - VHAP masterclass
Please check Compass for event details regarding Graduation and 'The Big Day Out' for when to consent and pay by.
Over the past couple of weeks, the Level 6 students have been learning about all things to do with financial maths, such as calculating interest, budgeting, learning how tax works and converting between different international currencies. We will be continuing this topic after camp. The students have enjoyed learning about real world problems and applying their learning to real-life contexts.
We have been continuing our novel study 'Once'. The students are loving it and are enjoying learning how to write essays based on prompts about 'Once'. The students have been learning how to write an essay response, using T.E.E.L (Topic sentence, examples, explain, link). We have been so impressed with the quality of work produced by the students.
Our scrapbooks are well and truly underway and we are heading into writing the final written piece. In the next coming weeks, families can be collecting photos of their child for their Primary years, to add to the scrapbooks.
Important dates coming up:
Monday 9th December - Twilight Christmas Carols @ HEPS
Tuesday 10th December - All government secondary schools will host a Year 7 Orientation Day (for Year 6 students).
Tuesday 17th December - Grade 6 Graduation
Wednesday 18th December - Level 6 Big Day Out
Friday 20th December - Last day of school