Student Awards & Birthdays

Student Awards
Student Awards were presented at our Grandparents/Special Friends Liturgy held last Friday November 15, 2024.
Foundation |
- Hanxi Liu (FSC) - ‘Be Your Best’ for using your excellent reading skills to read a really tricky book today. It was great to see you pausing for the full stops and commas and sounding out hard words like ‘answered.’ You are becoming a brilliant reader Hanxi!
- Isla Williamson (FSC) - ‘Be Your Best’ for staying focussed on your writing today to write a whole page about the school fete! Keep up the great work Isla!
- Delilah Perera (FBW) - ‘Be Your Best’ for your positive attitude and outstanding efforts in reading. Delilah, you are an independent reader who continues to read various books with lovely fluency. What a pleasure it is to listen to you read!
- Abigail White (FBW) - ‘Be Your Best’ for trying hard to complete your writing tasks each day. You are sounding out words independently, working hard to sit your letters on the lines, and even re-reading your own work to check for meaning. Keep up the great work Abby!
Year 1 & 2 |
- Grace Hogan (12MR) - ‘Be Your Best’ for correctly following the set structures of informative texts. This semester, Grace has written well researched reports on how volcanoes erupt, macaws and how bees make honey.
- London Parker (12MR) - ‘Be Your Best’ for showing an understanding of why editing written work is important. London, you carefully reread your work looking for misplaced punctuation and incorrect spelling.
- Easton McKenry (12MR) - ‘Be Your Best’ for an amazing and accurate effort with his “Maths Mate” book. Easton, you have shown a great understanding of the concepts covered in this book.
- Albie Buckeridge (12NW)- ‘Be Your Best’ for producing some amazing pieces of writing. Albie, it’s always a pleasure to read your writing. You include excellent detail and descriptive language. Well done.
- Peggy Freemantle (12NW)- ‘Be Responsible’ for your excellent presentation skills during our Readers Theatre productions. Peggy, you showed great responsibility, by reading with expression and enthusiasm in front of you peers. Well done.
- Bertie Fisher-Smith (12GM) - ‘Be Your Best’ for your excellent acting and voices when you participated in Reader’s Theatre and the Religious Education play. You were able to take on a character and read with brilliant expression. Well done, Bertie!
- Kate Wingrave (12GM) - ‘Be Your Best’ for your excellent work with Money. You have been able to make $1 dollar by using a variety of different coins. Great work Kate!
Year 3 & 4 |
- Lily Waters (34ZH) - ‘Be Your Best’ for continually participating in class discussions. It is always wonderful to your thoughts and ideas. Well done, Lily.
- Mae Russell (34ZH) - ‘Be Your Best’ for showing great persistence when learning about long addition and multiplication. This was a difficult topic, Mae, and you grasped it very well after some great persistence!
- Harry Wickes (34LD) - ‘Be Your Best’ for showing great dedication during writing tasks to ensure that both the content and his cursive handwriting are completed to a great standard. Well done, Harry!
- Londyn Orchard (34LD) - ‘Be Your Best’ for persisting with all Mathematical tasks to ensure that she works out problems accurately. Well done, Londyn!
Year 5 & 6 |
- Max Carmichael (56LB) - ‘Be Your Best’ for his homework submission last week. Max clearly put a lot of time and effort into his homework and should be proud of himself. Well done, Max.
- Annabelle Maiai (56LB) - ‘Be Your Best’ for her homework submission last week. Annabelle always strives to get the best out of herself, and this was evident in her homework tasks last week. Well done, Annabelle!
- Amelie Hodgson (56TD) - ‘Help Others Succeed’ for taking the initiative to help organise a senior basketball tournament during lunchtime for the students. The tournament was a huge success. Well done, Amelie.
- Indi Camm (56TD) - ‘Be Your Best’ for achieving her personal best in her Maths Mates book this week. I can see you trying your best to improve each week. Well done, Indi.
- Imarni Cleary (56EN) - ‘Be Your Best’ for showing great effort in her homework tasks. Imarni, you have certainly put in time and extra information and detail into your tasks. It is a pleasure to correct your work!
- Raphael Singe (56EN) – ‘Be Your Best’ – Raph, you inspire others to achieve their best. Thank you for your enthusiasm and sharing your insights and understandings during math sessions. A great role model for others!
- Archer Griffin (56EN) - ‘Be Responsible’ for putting your best efforts forward during writing sessions. Archer, it is great to see you focusing and asking questions when needed. Keep up the great initiative in your learning.
Happy Birthday
We wish many happy returns to all November birthdays - Laylah Kingdon (12NW), Finley Dempster (12NW), Theo Singe (34RP), Hannah Needs (12NW), Georgia Coe (FBW), Alexander Htoo (56LB), Raegan Camm (12GM), Parker Witt (12GM), Ann Rose Josy (56EN), Harry Wickes (34LD), Mae Russell, Pippa Shannon (56LB), Aurelia Andre (12NW), Campbell Parker (56LB), Lily Waters (34ZH), Tommy Shannon (34ZH) and Oliver Brennan (FSC).
We wish Erin Bolitho and Jacinta Hicks a happy day as well as Piper Nally who is celebrating a special 21st birthday - hip! hip! hooray!