Arts & Enrichment

Mackillop Art Exhibition People's Choice Award 2024
Patrick Treanor's art piece submitted in the Mackillop Art Exhibition has been nominated for the People's Choice Award on the Upper Primary section. Well done Paddy!
2025 Production
The students have been eagerly awaiting and trying to solve the puzzle as to the Year 5/6 Production for 2025.
We can happily announce that next year's production is 'The Wizard Of Oz'.
This will be held at the Capital Theatre over two nights in early October. Students will be given information about auditions and preparation for these. Auditions will be early Term 1, 2025 during school hours. During the holidays, I would encourage students to do a little research about 'The Wizard Of Oz, and prepare their songs and readings for the auditions. All Year 5/6 students wanting a speaking or singing role will need to audition. There are about 22 of these roles available! Students will bring home information about this this week. How exciting!
Claire Sexton
Performing Arts