PFA News

We are halfway through Term 3.. A few things to get organised..
GPS Fathers and Special Friends Event- Friday 30th August 7.45-9.00am.
Come and share a morning at school with the kids. Please click the link to pre purchase your scrumptious Daniel's Donuts, delicious chocolate milk and hot coffee! To make things quick on the day we will send home tokens for all pre orders.
Orders will close Friday 23rd August so book now to avoid missing out!
This event is being coordinated by the Year 3's. Year 3 parents look out for emails from your reps and sign up to help on the day.
Father’s Day lunch. After a morning with the kids, you will have a few hours to prepare for a special lunch at the Mt Erica Hotel. See invite for details and RSVP.
Crazy Camel Fundraiser
Your kids may have told you they have been very busy the last 2 weeks preparing their artwork. The teachers have spent lots of time making sure their masterpieces are fabulous. See flyer for amazing things you can order... Think how great these gifts can be for Christmas or a 2025 calendar with your child's artwork. A great easy fundraiser for our school.
Orders Open Friday 16th August:
Orders close Friday 30th August.
PFA Meeting
Wednesday 21st August 7.30pm Senior Campus staffroom.