Principal's Report

Work is finally commencing on building and installing the COLA at the Junior Campus! Installation of the footings is due to commence next week. The area where the COLA is being erected, will be fenced off. Installation of the footings will take around 4 days to complete and upon completion the fence will be removed and the area opened back for student use. Greenline, the company building the COLA, are working towards installation of the structure itself the second week of the September school holidays.
House Athletics Carnival
Last Thursday the annual Year 4 to 6 Athletics Carnival was held at Duncan Mackinnon Reserve. Our students gave it their best as they competed hard all day and cheered their peers on. My thanks to the organisers, the staff and the parent volunteers, who made sure the event was so successful. We wish all the best to our students competing in the District Athletics next Wednesday.
A massive thank you to Kirsten Travis, who spent many hours preparing the events, the teams and the format of the day. Well done to our teams, the captains and supporters who made sure our 2024 Athletics Day was a huge success.
Prep 100 Day Party
The 100 Day of School celebration for our Prep students was a huge success last Thursday with a parade in the Hall, a range of classroom activities and a party. Each of the Prep students proudly wore their 100 Day capes. Thank you to the mums and dads for supporting this significant event! Also thank you to our wonderful Prep Team for entering into the spirit of the day.
Japanese Speech
Last Sunday, several of our students, entered the JLTAV Japanese Speech Competition at Hawthorn Arts Centre. We commend all the students that entered the competition and thank them for representing Gardenvale Primary School. We congratulate the following students for their exceptional and animated performances; Angus M, Aria B, Liam J, Nico A and Ollie G. Thank you to our wonderful Japanese Teacher, Naoko Nishikawa, for facilitating our students’ involvement in the Speech Competition.
Parent Opinion Survey
Yesterday I sent a Compass message regarding the Education Department’s Parent Opinion Survey. Thank you so much to those who have already completed the survey. If you have the time, we would really appreciate it being completed by as many parents as possible. The survey will be conducted online and should take 20 minutes to complete. You will find the survey link and pin code in the ‘Parent Opinion Survey’ Compass message.
Prep and Year 4 Working Bee
We would absolutely love to see as many Prep and Year 4 families as possible at our Working Bee, on both campuses, at 9.00am this Sunday, 18th August. There is much to be done, with many hands, the long list of jobs can easily be completed.
Book Week Parade
This year’s Book Week theme is “Reading is Magical”. On Friday 23rd August, students are encouraged to come to school dressed up as their favourite book character and will have the opportunity to display their outfits at our Book Week Parade, just after 9.00am under the COLA at the Senior Campus. Parents are most welcome to join us!
Have a lovely week,