Level 3

A lot has been happening in Level 3 during weeks 8 and 9. We have had our Father’s Day morning and 3GE was lucky enough to have several visitors in the classroom. Our 3-Way Learning Conferences are at the end of this week, as well as Grandparents’ Day, and we are excited to be able to share more of our learning.



In our Reading lessons, we have been learning how to read poetry fluently and with appropriate expression to match the tone of the poems. We are also learning to analyse poems by comparing poems with the same topic or themes.



We have been learning about poetry in Writing as well. We have learnt about the structure and rules when writing diamante and kenning poems, and have had the opportunity to research and create poems of our choice. We have created whole class poems, and chosen if we wanted to write our poems with a partner or independently.


Shared Writing:











Diamante Poems:

Kenning Poems:



In Maths, we have been practising using grid references to read and create maps, and to give directions. Some of us have also been learning to use the coordinate plane in mapping.


Looking Ahead:

A reminder that all students must be wearing hats when in the yard as of the 1st of September. 

  • Grandparents Day -  Friday the 13th (A-L Surnames 9:30am-11am, M-Z 11:20-12:50pm).
  • TwistEd Science Chemistry Incursion - Wednesday 18th September
  • Footy Parade and HEPS Footy Lunch Day - Thursday the 19th of September 
  • Last Day of Term and early dismissal - Friday the 20th 2:30pm