Level 2

WOW! Term 3 has certainly flown! It is hard to believe that the term is nearly completed and that holidays are just around the corner. Level 2 students have enjoyed a busy fortnight celebrating Pyjama Day and Father's Day, as well as participating in their first of three Tennis Clinics. They are looking forward to a fun-filled final week of term!


In Inquiry this fortnight, we have been focusing on researching different countries around the world. We have teamed up and have been busy learning about our chosen country. We have been researching information about food, history, art, landmarks, sport and more! We have then been paraphrasing this information and putting it on our colourful posters.

Here is a sneak peek of our posters! Try and guess the country:


Students have been researching their country project and applying the skills of 'skimming and scanning' to look for keywords. They have learnt how to paraphrase their notes into paragraphs and include non-fiction techniques such as sub-headings, facts, technical words and statistics. 


In Maths this fortnight, students have consolidated their knowledge of multiplication and investigated how their multiplicative knowledge can help them solve division problems. Students have enjoyed exploring these concepts in hands-on ways. This week students have begun to explore concepts relating to fractions, and used playdough pizzas to explore cutting a whole into a range of equally sized pieces (representing the denominator). Students decided that cutting pizzas into halves and quarters was easy, but accurately cutting them into fifths, sixths and ninths was super challenging!

Looking Ahead:

A reminder that all students must be wearing hats when in the yard as of the 1st of September. 

  • Grandparents Day -  Friday the 13th (A-L Surnames 9:30am-11am, M-Z 11:20-12:50pm).
  • Footy Parade and HEPS Footy Lunch Day - Thursday the 19th of September 
  • Last Day of Term and early dismissal - Friday the 20th 2:30pm 
  • First Day of Term 4 -Monday 7th October