
We have a had a very busy last few weeks of term with lots of exciting things happening. Last Monday we welcomed our dads into our classroom to help with our construction of our communities we have been learning about in inquiry.


We also visited the Regis Nursing Home in Blackburn where we performed a number of songs and shared our narratives with the residents. We then enjoyed a play and walk at Blackburn Lake.




In literacy, we have been working extremely hard on our narrative writing. Students started by creating a character and setting for their narratives. We did a lot of oral language work around describing their characters and setting as well as thinking of problems. Students then wrote their narratives with accompanying pictures and turned them into a book. They should all be very proud of the amount of effort they put into these!




Throughout our numeracy lessons, we have been looking at subtraction as well as sharing. Students have used number lines to work out how to solve subtraction questions from worded problems and number sentences. We also have explored sharing/division where students explored having a fruit tree with a number of fruits on it and shared this amongst their family members.



Looking ahead


Reminder that all children must be wearing hats as of the 1st of September. 

  • 3-Way conference - Thursday 12th September
  • Grandparents day -  Friday the 13th (A-L Surnames 9:30am-11am, M-Z 11:20-12:50pm).
  • FEJ and FTM Assembly Performance - Friday 13th September
  • Sport Dress up day and HEPS Footy Lunch Day - Thursday the 19th of September 
  • Last Day of Term and early Dismissal - Friday the 20th 2:30pm