Level 6

We're a great mix in Level 6!

The last few weeks in Level 6 have been full of many events and fun times. Some highlights have been PJ day, Hooptime, Father’s day open classroom and Production practise. Looking ahead we have lots coming up, so be sure to keep an eye on key dates!


Looking ahead:


Thursday 12th September – 3-Way Conferences – Please double check your allocated time. Conferences will be held for 10 minutes only. Please ensure you keep within the time frame. This is a wonderful opportunity for your child/ren to showcase their learning from the past term. 


Friday 13th September – Grandparents and special friends’ day. A – L Surnames 9:30 – 11, M-Z surnames 11:20 – 12:50. 


Wednesday 18th September – Level 6 Inquiry Travel Expo – 2:30 – 3:15 in the BER


Friday 20th September – Last day of Term 3. Early finish 2:30pm. 




In the last couple of weeks, Level 6 students have been busy analysing non-fiction texts and identifying the different structures of a text. Students have participated in collaborative learning activities, where they identified the different aspects of a non-fiction text and discussed the purpose of these features and the impact it has on a text. The students have also been busy learning how to construct information paragraphs using the TEEL structure. It has been great to see students improve in the language they use in their paragraphs, as well as their structure.





In Maths, we have been focussing on BIDMAS and algebraic equations. Students have enjoyed solving numerous equations and finding solutions to different problems. It has been great to see students’ confidence grow as we have focussed on this topic and moving into algebra, students enjoyed the challenge of finding unknown variables and determining the unknown values. A highlight was an activity called ‘Tug of war’ where students came up with different algebraic equations to solve who would win. Give it a go at home if you would like! It’s a fun one! Moving forward, students will be learning about Cartesian Planes and exploring coordinates.            





We are excited about our upcoming Inquiry Travel Expo. Families are invited to attend our Expo on Wednesday the 18th of September at 2:30 – 3:15 in the BER. Students will be showcasing their Travel websites and brochures for a country they have researched. A lot of effort and hard work has already gone into preparing these, so we hope that many families can make it. Our focus has been on Geography this term, which has tied in nicely with the Olympics. Highlights have been playing ‘Guess the Country’, ‘Geo Guesser’ and ‘Name that flag’. We have explored 3 of the 7 continents – North America, Europe and Asia and students have enjoyed learning all about these continents, the countries that make up these continents and the history about them.