Level 4

What a busy couple of weeks we have had in level 4. Production rehearsals, Pyjama Day, tennis lessons and the Father's Day stall to name a few. It is always so special to welcome visitors to the classroom and Father's Day was no exception. 




In weeks 7 and 8, students have been working on their inference skills. They have been thinking about what they already know and can use visual and written clues to make a conclusion. They have enjoyed using Pixar short clips to further develop this skill.

During weekly library sessions, students utilise the extensive selection of books we have at HEPS and sometimes take time to relax and read in a fun way.




Writing narratives has definitely been a highlight for our students this term. They are able to use visual prompts as a starting point when planning individually or with others. This gives them a chance to receive feedback and boost their ideas from each other. 




Our students have been exploring the relationship between factors and multiples. They can now see how numbers are interconnected and how they relate to each other. To help them understand the patterns in numbers, students engaged in games that made their thinking visible. In the final weeks of the term, we will focus on mental math practice and solving word problems. 




We are in the GOING FURTHER stage of the inquiry process and we vistited the Melbourne Zoo this week to continue our learning. 


At this stage, our students take charge of their own learning utilising their critical thinking skills. They have explored and organised their knowledge from this term and are now diving deeper into the world beyond HEPS. Connections among the climates and vegetation of Africa, South America and Australia have gained significant interest. These personalised learning experiences bring geography to life in a meaningful way.