Connections Centre

Specialist Feature News: Physical Education

Selamat Siang, 


It's been another busy sport term for our seniors with their participation in a number of different district sports. Only a few weeks ago we had a 5/6 team of hockey starts attend the eastern metropolitan regional Hockey 7's event. Students played with great enthusiasm and integrity against the other schools coming away finishing third with 2 wins, a draw and two losses. 

On Thursday last week, 40 of our 5/6 students headed off to the District Hooptime Basketball event to compete against other schools within our District. All five of our teams won games across the day and it was amazing to see the teamwork, leadership and enjoyment on show both on and off the court. Thanks to Alice P and Amy M for their assitance with teams across the day. 

We look forward to our 3-6's competing in the District Athletics coming up on Tuesday September 10th. 


Terima Kasih, 

The Specialist Team

Yana Gill, Marissa Mundy, Natalie Palmer, Hamish Burrill, Steph Muratovic and Beth Cardy

Pupil of the Week

Physical Education

Junior - Mallory M (1/2A)

For demonstrating a love of learning, teamwork and kindness when including peers in group tasks during PE.


Senior - Charlotte Z (5/6N)

For showing perseverance, leadership and a high level of aerobic fitness during the beep test!

Visual Arts

Junior - Lewis O (1/2KS)

For demonstrating teamwork and respect for the classroom when supporting peers to access Art resources.


Senior - Liam W (3/4RM)

For demonstrating a love of learning and creativity when designing your own Croc Pop Artwork. 


Junior - Aaron P (1/2M)

For your patience, manners and gratitude this week in science as we enjoyed pasta and jelly! You have also done a great job following instructions and working safely during our chemistry cooking sessions.


Senior - Christian K (5/6N)

For displaying leadership skills as you guided your group through following a recipe in science this week. You accurately collected and mixed ingredients and showed initiative when cleaning up.


Junior - Lewis O (1/2KS)

For demonstrating excellent self regulation and focus throughout your Indonesian lesson. Bagus sekali!


Senior - John Paul G (5/6FL)

For completing all the clues from the 5/6FL scavenger hunt around the school. You showed excellent comprehension skills to read through 16 clues. Hebat, JP!

Performing Arts

Junior - Annie H (FT)

 For her focus and love of learning in Performing Arts. Her attitude is praiseworthy and efforts to engage in her learning demonstrates self regulation


Senior - Charlie W 5/6E

For his enthusiastic engagement with his research task for his drama monologue, demonstrating a real love for learning and zest for applying his knowledge to his work in Performing Arts.