Wellbeing and Inclusion
Mrs Courtney Hoffmann - Assistant Principal
Wellbeing and Inclusion
Mrs Courtney Hoffmann - Assistant Principal
Dear Karoo PS Community,
What a wonderful week! So much magic and joy has been seen throughout book week and the culmination today in our parade was simply sensational!
Wellbeing is at the forefront of our practices at Karoo PS. As well as ongoing learning during Wellbeing Lessons and Circle Time in their classrooms, our students have access to a broader range of wellbeing supports depending on their needs (as seen below).
If you or your child would like to find out further information or access any of the supports available, please speak to your child's teacher for further information.
At Karoo PS, ensuring our students are feeling safe, supported and happy at school is at the forefront of our thinking and actions. We consistently review our practices according to the Child Safe Standards. The Child Safe Standards identify what works to make organisations safer for children. They emphasise the importance of adopting multiple strategies to address child safety. The Standards are principle-based and focused on outcomes.
We aim to communicate the work we do under the Child Safe Standards to our school community and to ensure that everyone is aware of their rights and responsibilities to support children to be safe.
At Karoo PS, we always strive to continually improve our practices, therefore if you have any feedback regarding the Child Safe Standards, please don't hesitate to contact me for further information.
I hope that you all have a fantastic fortnight, and I look forward to seeing you all around our wonderful school!
Kind Regards,
Courtney Hoffmann