Physical Education
Miss Lauren Kavanagh
Physical Education
Miss Lauren Kavanagh
On Thursday 15th August Karoo had 8 teams compete in Hooptime basketball at Dandenong Basketball Stadium. All teams showed excellent sportsmanship, pride and tenacity and had a great day playing a sport that they love. Congratulations to our girls All Star team (Annabelle P, Eva P, Bree P, Dhaani N, Mikayla R, Natalia R, Chloe A, Amy W and Coach Tim Aumann) and our Future stars 'Kings' team (Sam E, Ryder S, Marley A, Layla E, Jasper T, Leo D, Alfie F, Xibi Z, Asher F, and coaches Sarah Elliot and Dave Ellison) for winning the Grand Final and making it through to the next level next term! Also another HUGE shout out to all the parents who assisted on the day coaching and scoring! (Nikki Michas, Merryn Cutter, Robyn Howard, Claire Elliot, Chris Howden Malone, Amy Pascoe and Bree van Den Bosch) Without you these days would not be a success!