Principal's Report

Dear Armstrong Creek Community,
What a wonderful term we have had. It is hard to believe I have only been the Principal at ACS for 10 weeks. I feel so connected and fully committed to our school that it amazes me this has happened in such a short time. I remain continuously grateful for the privilege of my role and see so many wonderful opportunities. This term I have focused on our value of 'care' and what this looks like at ACS. I have been so impressed by the students that continue to demonstrate this value across each day and I see this each time I'm in the yard or classroom. Term 4 will be a busy term with our planning for 2025 well under-way. We will communicate early next term about our transition planning and learning structures for 2025.
Wishing you all a safe term break. See you Term 4.
Division Athletics Tuesday 10/9/2024
Congratulations to the following students who represented Armstrong Creek School at the Division Athletics event yesterday: Ziggy B ,Darcy C, Sloan B , Mackenzie C, Eve K, Charlie KS, Elaina L, Olivia B, Esther B, Chloe M, and Murphy S.
All students represented the school magnificently and we are so proud of the amazing effort they all put in.
A huge congratulations to Mackenzie, Ziggy and Murphy who have qualified for the regional event next term.
Year 6 Debate Team Wednesday 11/9/2024
Congratulations to our 2024 ACS year 6 Debating Team!
On Wednesday the 11th of September Olivia, Zunairah, Darpan, Issy and Ahmed debated against Geelong Grammar School. The topic was that “we should pay to park along the Great Ocean Road”. ACS was the affirmative team. The competition was very close, with only one point in it. We are very pleased to announce that ACS won! An extra special mention to the best speaker Zunairah. We are very proud of the team. They were incredibly committed to the club and watching their improvement of the year has been a highlight.
Year 9's celebrate a win at the Soccer Gala 12/9/2024
Our Year 9 students participated in the annual Soccer Gala at Steed Park. Students played Nelson Park, Hamlyn Views and Lake Colac. All students involved showed great sportsmanship to each other. Our biggest highlight was watching everyone do their personalised celebration after each goal. Armstrong Creek School were crowned the winners of this competition for their Care, Collaboration and Commitment to the game. Congratulations to all teams involved and we can't wait to do it again next year!
Yes Hat Yes Play - Term 4 and Term 1
It’s that time of year again! Term 4 and Term 1… SunSmart expectations, in particular HATS!
SunSmart expectations for students and staff:
At ACS the minimum expectation for every student and staff member is that when they are outside, they must wear a sun protective hat (broad brimmed / bucket / legionnaire) – see attachment. This includes all activities that are conducted outside – recess break, lunch break, PE classes and any other classes that are conducted outside.
Students without hats will be directed to allocated areas in the shade or to indoor clubs if during recess or lunch break.
Please label your child\ren's hat clearly with their name.
Social Media Spotlight - Parental Controls
Young people are spending more time online than ever before. And while it keeps them
connected and allows them to work and play, it’s important to be aware of the risks.
For example, online challenges encouraging dangerous behaviours can quickly gain traction.
What makes these challenges even more dangerous is that videos are live-streamed or posted on popular apps, spreading to a large and impressionable audience.
Below is a video guide for parents about the importance of parental controls and how they can help. This video helps parents and carers to understand more about the different parental controls available and which settings are best suited to your family.
2024Parent \ Carer \ Guardian Opinion Survey
Our school is conducting the annual Parent / Caregiver / Guardian Opinion Survey offered by the Department of Education and is seeking your feedback. The survey is designed to assist schools in gaining an understanding of families’ perceptions of school climate, student behaviour, and student engagement. The survey is optional, but we encourage and appreciate your participation.
Our school will use the survey results to assist in identifying areas for improvement and professional development needs in the school, to target school planning and improvement strategies.
Due date to complete the survey has been extended
The Parent / Caregiver / Guardian Opinion Survey will be open online until
Friday 20 September 2024.
All families are invited to participate in the survey. You will have received an invitation including instructions on how to complete the survey via Compass.
PLEASE NOTE: Only one parent / caregiver / guardian per household should complete the survey, parents / caregivers / guardians living together should complete one survey jointly. Separated parents / caregivers / guardians may complete separate surveys.
The survey will be conducted online, only takes 20 minutes to complete, and can be accessed at any convenient time on desktop computers, laptops, tablets or smartphones.
The online survey will be available in English and 10 other languages including Arabic, Greek, Hakha Chin, Hindi, Japanese, Punjabi, Simplified Chinese, Somali, Turkish, and Vietnamese. Resources are also available in additional languages to assist parents / caregivers / guardians who speak a language other than English at home. Please reach out to school directly for survey guides in your language. If you would like further information, please speak to your child’s home group teacher.
Have a great weekend!