Years F-6 Coordinator

Bailey Kemp 

F-6 Key Dates


Mon-Fri26th - 30thBook Week
Fri30thBook Week Parade
Fri20thLast Day Of Term 3 (2.30pm Finish)

Exploring Mass - No Bake Cookies

In Numeracy, the Year 1 and 2 students have been exploring mass by comparing and measuring various objects in the classroom.  Last Friday, Mrs. G concluded the unit with a hands-on activity where the students made no-bake cookies. They had a real-life experience weighing all the ingredients using digital scales in grams. It was a lot of fun, and the cookies were delicious!

Book Week - Reading is Magic

Our primary school students have been lucky enough to have a different Charlton College staff read a story during advisory time. The students have absolutely loved the experience and we look forward to Mr Daff and the Primary School leaders readings over the coming days. Please remember to dress up on Friday as a book character or as the prompt 'reading is magic'.

3/4 Literacy

Year 3/4 were ‘hooked’ into their new writing unit, with the new focus being on ‘warning stories’.

Thank you Mrs. G

Over the last three week the students in the Year 1/2 have had the pleasure of having Mrs. G (Laura Whykes, Pre-Service teacher) in the classroom. This has been her second placement at Charlton College as she was with us in Term 2. She has undertaken a variety of lessons with the students including Literacy, Numeracy, Art, Science, Music and P.E. Mrs. G last day was on Friday 23rd of August and we wish her all the best for her future teaching.


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