Kitchen Garden

This week students in 3/4 J had their Kitchen Garden session and prepared an aromatic plate of onion and butternut bhajis with cucumber raita. This simple and flavoursome recipe is easy to make and prepare. Falafels were also on the menu.

Bhaji Recipe:

3 tbs korma paste

200g plain flour

1 tbsp garam masala

1tsp turmeric

2 medium onions, finely sliced

250g butternut squash, peeled and coarsely grated

vegetable oil, for frying


Cucumber Raita Recipe

1/2cup grated cucumber

1 cup Greek yogurt

1 clove garlic

1 teaspoon lemon juice

lemon zest

pepper & salt


fresh parsley & mint


For the past weeks in their kitchen garden session, students have used their sense of smell to identify Indian spices, such as red chilli, cumin, cinnamon, bay leaves , ginger and nutmeg. It was a fun activity and introduced the students to a range of flavours that are used in cooking. 


Bon Appetit,


-Yves & Elodie, ES & Kitchen Garden