Senior Years Update

We have reached the “lull” in the term for our senior students. Students are encouraged to use this time to prepare themselves for the final weeks of Term 3 and into Term 4. These weeks will be busy with revision, SACs/CATs and Trial Examinations for those completing unit 3 and 4 subjects. Using this time wisely, will ensure a smoother end to Term 3. Students should be balancing their study with revision of unit 3 content, previewing unit 4 content and consolidating current content. They should also ensure they are allowing time for rest and relaxation.  


Y11 Update 

Our Y11 students completed their final wellbeing incursion day focusing on future steps. We were fortunate to have Leah Lambart join us to talk about how best to present yourself online, in a resume, and during an interview. Students were given expert insight into what employers are looking for, how they source their employees and ways students can ensure they stand out.  We were also fortunate to be supported by SPA to attend a Hoyts Lux Private screening of Despicable Me 4. It was wonderful to model the balance we always talk about to students as we enjoyed some downtime relaxing together.  


Y12 Update 

Our Y12 students are moving towards the ‘business end’. They are beginning to look at their final celebrations and making plans for their assemblies, Valedictory and taking time to reflect on their journey at Shelford. Our wellbeing program has been focusing on life beyond the gates including a Yoga session, Sexual Health session and next week students will engage in a Financial Literacy session.  

Rebecca Wright

Senior Years Coordinator