P&F News

Footy Tipping Competition

Due to the first game being cancelled, the AFL season will kick off night, Friday 7th March, you still have time to join.


Joining the competition again this year?  It’s easy:


Click on the link; https://www.footytips.com.au/comps/SMPS2025 

Sign in to your ESPN account 

(if you don’t have an ESPN account, sign up first)

Use the password: SMPS2025

Pay your entry fee (details below).

That’s it!  You’re in.


Payment Details:

Payment can be made via direct credit.

Name:  St Mary’s Parish School

BSB:     083543

A/C:      457 829 572

Ref:      Your name


This year we have an early bird prize draw for tippers who sign up and pay their $25 prior to Round 2.  


We’d like to thank our sponsor – The Australian Eucalyptus Oil Company – for their generous support in providing a gift pack valued at $75 for the lucky winner of the early bird draw.