Student News

Project Compassion Caritas Australia 

On Tuesday, our Faith Leaders took part in Project Compassion's Caritas Australia Bendigo Launch. The launch of this year's project compassion theme is to 'Unite Against Poverty'.  Each student has been provided with a Project Compassion box to take home and encourage their families to raise funds in support of the initiative.


You'll hear more from the student Faith Leaders as they create fund-raising invitations to help support Caritas Australia. 


Grade 4 - 6 Inquiry

This term in Inquiry, the Grade 4 - 6 students have been learning to differentiate between immigrants and migrants. They have engaged in in-depth discussions exploring the various reasons people may need to leave their home country. As part of their learning, students researched a migrant from the Immigration Museum's website to understand their reasons for moving to Australia and the challenges they faced in adapting to a new country. 

Foundation-3 Inquiry

We are celebrating in the Junior room! We have shared many of our celebration traditions, including birthday cake, treasure hunts, fireworks, food, pinatas and colour runs! Chinese New Year is celebrated with firecrackers and dragons. We made our own Chinese Dragon puppets and celebrated with the Dragon Dance!



Awards Assembly

This assembly's award winners were.......

Class Awards

Jenson Birthisel - for his perseverance to achieve understanding in his maths tasks

Achilles Hywood - for stepping up when needed to read at our Shrove Tuesday Liturgy without prior preparation!

Braxton Barns - for putting in the practice and patience to achieve his pen licence

Edmund Wilson - for taking the time needed to produce writing worthy of receiving his pen licence


GEM (Gratitude Empathy Mindfulness) Award

Edmund Wilson - for actively practising gratitude through acts of kindness towards your peers


Nano Nagle Award

Finley Hodge - for stepping up and showing great responsibility and commitment in guiding and being a role model for his Foundation buddy