Fees and Levies 2025

St Justin's Primary School

We understand that school fees make up a large component of the family budget, and with this in mind we would like to remind you about our partnership with specialist provider, Edstart, tomake managing school fee payments easier for our families. 


Edstart provides flexible payment options that allow families to spread their school fees into weekly, fortnightly or monthly payments over 12 months, with the ability to choose your preferred day for when payments are made. 


You can:

● Pay weekly, fortnightly, monthly, termly or annually by selecting the schedule that works best for you

● Choose your preferred day for when payments are made

● Spread your school fee payments over the full school year

● Include all additional charges such as capital fees, levies, excursions and camps

● Option to pay via direct debit, debit/credit card or BPay

● Adjust your repayments at any time

● And, there are no credit checks or additional costs to families.


 To pay your school fees, please set up your account by visiting:



 Edstart Fee Queries - please see the contact details below

MACS Concessional Fees 

MACS have approved the MACS Concessional Fee application for eligible families under the following eligibility criteria.


Please collect an application form from the school office, complete and return before the end of term.