2025 Staff
Emails & Bell Times
2025 Staff
Emails & Bell Times
Name | Teacher Email |
Mr Patrick Torpey - Principal | ptorpey@sjwheelershill.catholic.edu.au |
Mrs Leanne Snell - Deputy Principal | lsnell@sjwheelershill.catholic.edu.au |
Mrs Angelique Loadman - Year Prep LC (Mon-Wed, Fri) | aloadman@sjwheelershill.catholic.edu.au |
Mrs Sarah Crough - Year Prep LC (Thurs) | scrough@sjwheelershill.catholic.edu.au |
Miss Rachael Lea - Year Prep R | rlea@sjwheelershill.catholic.edu.au |
Mrs Samantha Lutgens - Year 1L | samlutgens@sjwheelershill.catholic.edu.au |
Ms Meg McCallum - Year 1M | mmccallum@sjwheelershill.catholic.edu.au |
Mrs Helen Interligi - Year 2 SI (Mon-Tues) | hinterligi@sjwheelershill.catholic.edu.au |
Mrs Natalie Santucci - Year 2 SI (Wed-Fri) | nsantucci@sjwheelershill.catholic.edu.au |
Mrs Rachel De La Haye - Year 2 DC (Mon-Thurs) | rdelahaye@sjwheelershill.catholic.edu.au |
Mrs Sarah Crough - Year 2DC (Fri) | scrough@sjwheelershill.catholic.edu.au |
Miss Belinda Dalach - Year 3D | bdalach@sjwheelershill.catholic.edu.au |
Mrs Jess Wickens - Year 3 MW (Mon-Tues) Literacy Leader (Wed-Thurs) | jwickens@sjwheelershill.catholic.edu.au |
Mrs Jen McGrath - Year 3 MW (Wed - Fri) | jmcgrath@sjwheelershill.catholic.edu.au |
Mrs Carmel Pitt - Year 4 PM (Mon-Tues, Thur-Fri) | cpitt@sjwheelershill.catholic.edu.au |
Mrs Jacinta Mulholland Year 4 PM (Wed), Art (Mon-Tues) | jmulholland@sjwheelershill.catholic.edu.au |
Mr Nicholas Mosele - Year 4 MR (Term 1) from Term 2 Numeracy Leader (Mon,Tues and Fri) | nmosele@sjwheelershill.catholic.edu.au |
Mrs Deb Rowlings - Year 4 MR (Wed-Thurs) from Term 2 | drowlings@sjwheelershill.catholic.edu.au |
Miss Annalise Flarve - Year 5 F | aflarve@sjwheelershill.catholic.edu.au |
Mrs Deb Wood - Year 5 W | dwood@sjwheelershill.catholic.edu.au |
Mrs Lucy D’Angelo - Year 6 DB (Wed-Fri) | ldangelo@sjwheelershill.catholic.edu.au |
Mrs Lisa Braybrook - Year 6 DB (Mon-Tues) | lbraybrook@sjwheelershill.catholic.edu.au |
Mrs Belinda Slonim - Year 6 SL (Wed-Fri) | bslonim@sjwheelershill.catholic.edu.au |
Miss Laura Leung - Year 6 SL (Mon-Tues), Numeracy Leader (Thurs-Fri), DP .1 every 2nd Wed | lleung@sjwheelershill.catholic.edu.au |
Mrs Christie Lacey - Year 6 SL (Mon-Tues) | clacey@sjwheelershill.catholic.edu.au |
Mr Clinton Johnson - Health and PE (Mon-Fri) | cjohnson@sjwheelershill.catholic.edu.a |
Signora Silvana Cetrola - Italian (Tue-Thu) | cetrols@sjwheelershill.catholic.edu.a |
Mrs Laura Wegmann - STEAM (Tue-Thu). Engagement and Digi Tech (Mon & Fri) | lwegmann@sjwheelershill.catholic.edu.a |
Mrs Christy Riddiford - Performing Arts (Tue-Thu) | criddiford@sjwheelershill.catholic.edu.a |
School Hours | |
Monday | 8.55 am - 3.15 pm |
Tuesday - Friday | 8.55 am - 3.30 pm |
Bell Times | |
Morning | 8:55 am (Bell) Line Up Undercover Area |
9:00am (Bell) Classes commence | |
1st Break | 10:55 am (Bell) Eating |
11:05 am (Bell) 1st Break | |
11:43 am (Bell) Line Up | |
11:45 am (Bell) Classes resume | |
2nd Break | 1:10 pm (Bell) Eating |
1:20 pm (Bell) 2nd Break | |
1:55 pm (Bell) Line Up | |
2:00 pm (Bell) Classes resume | |
3:10 pm(Bell) Pack up (Monday) | |
3:25 pm (Bell) Pack up (Tuesday - Friday) | |
End of School Day: | |
Monday | 3:15 pm (Bell) Dismissal |
Tuesday - Friday | 3:30 pm (Bell) Dismissal |