From the Principal

e more aSt Justin’s Primary School acknowledges the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as Australia's First People and Traditional Custodians of the land and waterways on which our school stands.
We pay our respects to the Bunurong people of the Kulin Nation, and their elders past and present, and emerging as we continue to proudly live and learn on their land.
St Justin's Primary School - Celebrating over 40 years of Catholic Education
Dear Families and Friends,
International Women's Day
Today Mrs Snell and Mr Torpey attended the 2025 Avila International Women's Day Breakfast Series with guest Alumnae speaker Kala Gare. Kala played the role of Sybylla Melvyn in the 2024 MTC sellout season of My Brilliant Career. Kala's has also played strong female, performing and singing in the likes of SIX, Rent, Twelfth Night, Thoroughly Modern Millie and Bright Star, to name but a few.
Whilst it was great to listen to the story of Kala and hear her sing, we are also mindful of all the special women in our world who have had such an amazing impact. Not all are on stage or in the spot light - many are the ones we meet every day in our daily lives.
International Women's Day (March 8) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating women's equality. IWD has occurred for well over a century, with the first IWD gathering in 1911 supported by over a million people. Today, IWD belongs to all groups collectively everywhere. IWD is not country, group or organization specific.
Ash Wednesday
On Wednesday we celebrated Ash Wednesday. Our Years 3 to Year 6 students attended our 9:15 am Parish Mass; and Years 1 and 2 participated in class liturgies. Our Foundation students had their Ash Wednesday Liturgy on Thursday, as they were not as school on Wednesday. On this day, when we receive the ashes, it is a reminder for all on how we can follow in Jesus’ footprints. Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent where we reflect and engage in the Christian tradition of changing ourselves and thinking of others during these 40 days
During Lent, our students are inquiring and learning about the wonderful work of Caritas Australia. Our children are learning how they can partake in social justice initiatives and are gaining a greater insight into how the Catholic Church is living out its Lenten season through the many charitable works that strive to bring about change for those living in unjust and impoverished situations.
Project Compassion boxes are available for our students in each of the classrooms, where our children are able to donate money to support those in need. This is a great example of how our students can demonstrate they are following in Jesus’ footsteps.
Today was the final day for our intensive Swimming Program. By all reports, the students not only had a great time, but more importantly, developed their confidence when in and around water. However, a few swimming lessons over two weeks can never be enough and we as parents and carers, still need to ensure the education process continues, especially when we are around pools, rivers and lakes and at the beach.
A huge thank you to all our volunteers who helped throughout the two weeks - very much appreciated. A very big thank you also to the staff, especially Mrs Snell who spends a great deal of time planning our swimming program, which includes: booking the venue, organsing buses, arranging class timetables and yard duty rosters and coordinating volunteers - so much work to ensure the two week program runs smoothly.
Literacy Helpers Course
Thank you to the parents who attended The Parent Helper’s Session which was held
on Thursday. These parents will have the opportunity to assist and support student learning in the classroom. For our Literacy program to be successful, we need the support of families to support students in a range of learning experiences, and volunteering time to support Literacy development is greatly appreciated by both the teachers and students.
Parent Helpers...Thank you!
A very BIG thank you to Talar, Sandra, Jackie, Alina and Carolyn, who helped Mrs Wickens make many books for our Junior students to take home. We really appreciate you giving up your time to help make these valuable resources for our students.
Mrs Wickens would like to ask for further assistance on Wednesday 12th March or Thursday 13th March with organising these books into levels. If you have any time to spare on either of these days could you please email Mrs Wickens -
Your assistance is greatly appreciated.
Nazareth College Taster Day
Today our Year 5 students attended Nazareth College and experienced a day in the life of a secondary school student. Nazareth students ran different activity groups with the children, giving them a taste of what it is like to be a secondary school student.
We look forward to hearing reports from the Year 5 students in next week's newsletter.
Public Holiday
A friendly reminder:
- Monday 10th March - Labour Day. Enjoy the extra-long weekend!
School Photos – Thursday 13th March, 2025
Please note that our school photos will take place on Wednesday, 13th March. As always, please ensure that students are dressed in full school summer uniform, including school shoes and have well-groomed hair. If your child has PE with Mr Johnson on Thursday they can bring their runners in their school bag.
Order forms were sent home last week and need to be returned to school on or before Wednesday 12th March.
Existing Families - Enrolment for 2026
We are in the process of preparing our enrolments for 2026
Application are nowonline. If any current school families require an enrolment application for 2026 click on the link below:
Click on "Apply Now"
We would like these applications completed by March 20th 2025 so we have an idea of our numbers for 2026 before we offer places to new families.
Open Day
Our Open Day is planned for Thursday 20th March, running from 9am-7:00pm. This is a great opportunity for new families looking for a school for their children for 2026 to come along and see what St Justin's has to offer. We would love some volunteers, parents and students, to help run this day - we require at least two parents throughout the day to meet and greet and then some volunteer students from 3:30pm - 7:00pm to help with tours.
Working Bee on the Hill
Please refer to St Justin's Working Bee on the Hill page.
We would love to see as many families as possible.
Collecting Students during the School Day
We have had many enquiries as to how to arrange collection of students during the course of the day for appointments. Our preference is that appointments are made outside of school hours as every hour out of school is less learning time. We understand that there are some times where this is not always possible. Please ensure that you notify your child’s classroom teacher via Audiri or via email to advise them the following:
- Pickup Time (Outside of Recess (11:05am- 11:45am) & Lunchtime (1:20pm – 2:00pm) as it is a challenge to get the students off the playground!
- Advise whether your child will be returning after their appointment or if they will need to take their school bag home with them.
Once you have arrived at school to collect your child/children, it is a legal requirement that you sign them out via the iPad at the office. You do this by choosing “Sign Out” and then “Student”.
You must then wait for your child who can ONLY be collected from the Administration (Office) area.
School Saving Bonus
School Savings Bonus (SSB)
For non-Government Schools, the SSB is a $400 bonus for students receiving the means- tested Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) payment.
Eligibility for the CSEF payment is based on a PARENT of the child/children attending St Justin's having a current and valid Australian Services Health Care Card (HCC). We are required to sight and then check this via a specific Dept of Education portal which confirms whether the card is valid at the time of application for CSEF.
Unfortunately a HCC in your child's name is not accepted by the Portal as your child is not responsible for the payment of their fees, it is a parent responsibility.
SSB CAN ONLY be applied to the following:
- Camps
- Excursions
- Outdoor Education Programs
- Graduations
- School uniforms (paid invoice to be provided to the school for reimbursement against fees and we advise that the uniform must have been purchased from Academy Uniforms)
- Textbooks
SSB CANNOT be applied to curriculum or other tuition charges such as stationery, sacraments, social activities, classroom and homework materials.
Camps Sports and Excursions Fund
As always, thank you for your ongoing support.
All the best,
Mr Patrick Torpey