President: Megan Mallett    

Vice President: Margaret Francis    

Secretary: Mel Doherty  

Treasurer: Mary Molloy 

Uniform Shop: Denise Tom

Second Hand Uniform Online Order Link



Shrove Tuesday Wrap up

Thank you to all the mums (and Grandma!) who helped us run a very successful Shrove Tuesday Pancake Day. We worked all morning to cook more than 800 pancakes! The day was full of happy children devouring pancakes; none of it would have been possible without all the volunteers. Thank you!!

For all those asking, the recipe is quite simple. Just mix together all ingredients. Enjoy!

2C self-raising flour

1 3/4C milk

2 eggs

1/3C sugar

1tsp vanilla


PIC Meeting

Join us on Tuesday, 18 March at 9:00am in the staff room for our PIC Meeting. We have lots of ideas as we plan ahead for this year, but we need more helpers to get them going. Everyone is welcome, whether you’re currently part of the PIC or not yet. 

Easter Raffle

Tickets for our annual Easter Raffle are now available on our square site. https://st-johns-pic.square.site/ Tickets are $2 each.


This year, we will have one winner per class. When buying your tickets, please make sure you list the name and class of each child when purchasing tickets. Winners will be drawn during the final assembly of the term, on Monday, 31 March.


Alison and the Education In Faith Student Action Team have generously offered their icy pole money collected from this Friday to go towards purchasing goodies for the baskets. Thank you for your support.


Mother’s Day Stall

Dads/Grandpas, this one is for you! PIC Dad, David (Charlie 1W & Mason 3C), decided dads needed to man the Mother’s Day Stall this year, so he has volunteered to coordinate all helpers for the day. Send him a message if you can help. David (0407 509 920)


PIC Events Calendar

We would love your help with any of the events below. We have plenty more ideas in the works, but we need volunteers to help run them. Please get in touch if you can help. picstjohnsheidelberg@gmail.com  

Tuesday, 18 March

PIC Meeting

9:00am at the school. Everyone welcome.

Monday, 31 March

Easter Raffle Draw

Tickets available now on PIC Square site.

Friday, 2 May

Mother’s Day Stall

Dads, we need your help to man the stall. 

Contact David (0407 509 920) if you are up for the challenge!

Friday, 16 May

Mother's Day Lunch

Save the date.

Term 3: (Date TBC)

Parents Evening

If you would like to get involved in planning a fun night out for parents, please get in touch.

Term 4: 7 November

Colour Fun Run

The Colour Fun Run returns! More details later in the year.