Wellbeing News

Brooke Davis, Wellbeing Leader

Ride 2 School Day - Friday 21 March

On Friday 21 March, we will be taking part in Ride to School Day. As a BeYou School we are asking for your support in a gold coin donation on the day to Beyond Blue. Beyond Blue provides information and support to help everyone in Australia achieve their best possible mental health.



Parents will be supervising the Ride 2 School groups. All of the riding school groups will leave their pick up points at 8:10am sharp and are estimated to arrive at school at approximately 8:30am. All four routes will have a parent/teacher in attendance, wearing a high visibility vest to help the students crossroads and maintain safety during the walk. If you miss the group, feel free to catch up with us; however do not leave any students unattended at any pick up point. 


The bikes or scooters will be kept in the school hall for the day. Our teachers will be waiting at the hall for the students who rode, walked or scootered to school. 


Please keep in mind that the roads leading to our school are very busy. All parents whose children are riding, scootering or walking to school are encouraged to join the riding school buses to ensure the safety of all students. If you are riding or scooting please ensure that you wear a helmet. 


Riding School Group Routes and Pick- Up Points:

Walk # Pick up Point Route 
1)De Winton Park, Corner of Cape Street and St James Rd Rosanna – wait on the oval near the corner St James Rd.South bound on Cape Street
2)Albert Jones Reserve, Mount and Durham Streets Eaglemont – wait on the reserve near the corner of Mount and Durham StreetsMount Street and onto Yarra Street
3)Banyule Cricket Club, Beverley Road - Beverley Road- corner of Louise Street and Beverly Road South West on Beverly Road, then West on Burgundy Street
4) Warringal Cemetery, Corner Powlett and Darebin Streets – wait on the grass on the South East corner of Powlett Street.Eastbound on Darebin Street, then South bound on Cape Street

We do not need students to register for the riding school group, however, we do require parent volunteers for this event and if you can be a parent supervisor on the walk, please contact Brooke Davis bdavis@sjheidelberg.catholic.edu.au  by Monday 17 March with the Ride2School Route you will supervise. It is essential that you have a current Working with Children Check that has been verified at the school office.


Good luck and enjoy the day everyone, as we work together as a community, to promote healthy lifestyles. 

Better Buddies Day - Harmony Day Monday 24 March 

A reminder we will be celebrating Harmony Day on Monday 24 March through our Better Buddies Day. 


Students will be welcomed to wear traditional or cultural dress on this day, or a touch of orange to represent Harmony. 


If you can support our school in this celebration of diversity, you may like to share information at assembly or wish to contribute on the day, this could be about art, food, culture, history, dance, please contact Brooke Davis bdavis@sjheidelberg.catholic.edu.au