eLearning News
Frank Cotela, eLearning Leader
eLearning News
Frank Cotela, eLearning Leader
nForma has recently made many updates to improve the performance of their platform. Parents and carers are asked to ensure they are using the most recent version of the app, otherwise some features will not work.
Recently, some parents reported issues when trying to update the app. This has now been resolved with both the Android Playstore and Apple App Store.
The STEM/Art Room renovation was completed at the end of last week, and lessons resumed in the STEAM Room on Tuesday. Here are some photos of what the room looks like now.
Now that the renovation of the STEAM room has been completed, Friday Lunch Time Clubs can resume. All students are welcome to participate.
The first exchange of Pen Pal letters between our Year 5 students and the Year 5 students from Colegio Bureche (Colombia) occurred last week. Some interesting details our students shared with our Colombian friends included:
Some of the interesting insights we obtained from our Colombian Pen Pals were:
Some interesting questions the Colombian students asked our students were...
In a week, we will have our following exchange of letters.
Answer to Anika's joke: Nothing… they just waved!
The Australian eSafety Commissioner's website contains a wealth of information regarding how to keep ourselves and our children safe online.
One helpful resource they publish is the eSafety Guide, which provides information to users on a range of common social media, games, apps, and sites.
They provide information to users regarding how to use the platforms safely, protect personal information and how to block and report if needed.
This resource is constantly being updated as platforms evolve and more appear online.