School Information

General Office,  Absence/Late Notifications, Uniform, Classroom Cuisine, Lost Property, School Fees

General Office

Office hours:           8:30am - 4:00pm

Telephone:               9459 2963



Please report student absences/late arrival via the nForma for Parents App before 8:45am.

Late arrival / early departure to school

In order to minimise disruption to class and maximise learning opportunities for our students, we would like to remind you of the school policy regarding late arrival to school. The school gates will open at 8:35am and all students are expected to be at school by 8:45am. If your child is late for any reason, please notify the school prior to the event through the nForma for Parents App. 


If no explanation of absence or late arrival has been received an SMS will be sent to parents for confirmation of their child's absence.


If your child needs to leave school early for any reason, please advise via the Flexischools App explaining the reason. 


Parents/Carers are required to sign their child in/out at the school office upon late arrival or early departure.


We appreciate your support in this. If you have any questions please call the school office.


 Uniform Supplier

 Our uniform supplier is Noone Imagewear and further details are below:

  • Location: 283 Lower Heidelberg Road
  • Phone number:  9499 1439
  • Trading hours: Monday to Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm Saturday:  9:00am to 1:00pm
  • Noone Imagewear Website

Lunch Orders

Classroom Cuisine provide lunch orders at St John's on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

All orders must be made online no later than 8:30am on the day the lunch is required.

Classroom Cuisine Menu


Lost Property

Please ensure all school uniform, lunch boxes and water bottles are clearly labelled with the student’s name. 

School Fees

School fee statements will be sent out via email at the beginning of each Term.

Payment  Options for 2025 School Fees & Levies


Option 1: BY INSTALMENTS Payable over Terms 1, 2 and 3. Payments can be made 

directly to the school office by Debit/Credit Card, or transferred to our school bank account:


BSB: 083 347

Account Number: 657597374

Reference: Surname


These instalments are due by the end of each term and are as follows:

¨ Term 1 Instalment due by 4 April 2025

¨ Term 2 Instalment due by 4 July 2025

¨ Term 3 Instalment due by 19 September 2025


Option 2: CREDIT CARD INSTALMENTS Payable over 10 months. Payments will be 

debited on the 26th day of each month starting February 2025 and ending November 2025 


If you hold a current Health Care Card, you may be eligible for CSEF and

Concessional School Fees.

Should you have any questions regarding your eligibility or your account, please contact the school office.



Annual School Fees – Per Family


Family Fee for 1 Child                                          $2,195.00

Family Fee for 2 or more children                    $2,745.00



Annual Levy Fees – Per Family


Capital Levy                                                              $325.00

Information Technology Levy                              $195.00

The Arts Levy                                                           $100.00


Additional Fees – Per Student     


Student Levy                                                            $525.00

Excursion/Sport Levy                                           $230.00

                                     Camp Levy (Year 5 & 6)                                        $500.00