Primary Leader's Report

As we say goodbye to another school year, I would like to wish all our families and friends a very Merry Christmas to those who celebrate, a restful break and a happy, healthy new year.
We look forward to the new year, as we will welcome quite a few new students here in Primary, which will see our student numbers grow again. We thank all our parents and carers for their continued support and know how lucky we are to work in such a wonderful community.
Term 4 has been very busy with our swimming program running for most of it. The students gain so much from this program, as it gives them confidence and skills around water which is so much a part of our lives throughout summer. We hope that they are now well prepared for any situation they may encounter.
Other events we shared this term included Pirate Day, which gave the students a chance to dress up as pirates and have some fun with others across the different levels of the school. The highlights for the students included making pirate hats, making yummy chocolate cannon balls and bombing each other with water balloons (cannon balls).
These multi-age group activities are full of memories for everyone.
The Year 1/2 students had a wonderful time at their Stay Back Late Night. They played games, ate pizza and popcorn as they enjoyed each other’s company with a movie. It was a lovely night and a great way to celebrate the end of another year together.
The Year 5/6 students participated in the Let’s Talk About It Program run by Life Education. These sessions were very informative and conducted in a way that was both supportive and open to the students. I hope that parents and carers took the opportunity to share their learning and discuss any further questions they may have had. We hope that this course will equip them well for the next stage of their lives.
We would like to wish our Year 6 students all the very best for the next stage of their schooling and hope that secondary school provides a positive journey for them all.
To those families who are leaving us, we wish you all the best for the future and hope that you take with you some good memories of Macleod College.