Ms Brea Terris

Dear Families,


Welcome back to the 2024 School year. We have had a fantastic start to the year. We are continuing to build relationships in class, in the yard and with families every day. 


This year we welcome some new faces to SHNPS. We would like to welcome the following staff:

Hayley - 5/6 

Kathryn - Cultural Studies 

Bridgette - P/1K

Mikaela - ES

Tahni - ES

Neive - ES


Book Packs

Thank you to all of our families for purchasing Book packs for the start of the school year. I know it was a very different process to other years, but it ran smoothly. 

School Council 

School Council is seeking enthusiastic parent representatives to join our team.  School Council is our governing body of whom make important decisions to do with funding, budgets, communicating with our community and developing the best possible programs for our students. We meet every third Monday of the month at 5.30 pm. The work this year will be around our new buildings and school development. 

Should you wish to join this team, please contact the office. 



As parents and carers, you will at times need to meet with classroom teachers to clarify classroom programs and sometimes discuss problems that may have arisen. The teachers and Leadership Team will endeavour to meet and discuss any range of school issues as soon as possible, however, please be aware staff meetings occur each Tuesday and Wednesday nights straight after school. There is an assumption all teachers will attend meetings on time. No teacher will dismiss your question or concerns, so calling to organise a time to meet will ensure the question or issue can be addressed with plenty of time and no interruptions. Don’t forget you can always message on Seesaw. 


Student/Parent and Teacher Chats

Thank you to all of our families who attended our chats last week. Unfortunately due to the weather we lost power and had to postpone the night ones. Teachers will be in contact to re-schedule these over the next few days. The chats that went ahead were very beneficial. 

Drop Off

Please ensure students are not dropped off at school before 8.30am. Before School care is available at St Mary's PS. We appreciate families support with this. 


Student accident insurance 

The Department of Education does not provide personal accident insurance for students. 

Parents are responsible for paying the cost of medical treatment for injured students, including any ambulance attendance/transport costs. Reasonable low-cost accident insurance policies are available from the commercial insurance sector. Complete a google search on ‘Student Insurance’ if you are interested.

It is recommended that personal property stays home as there is no insurance cover for personal belongings.


Have a lovely weekend. 


Kind regards,

