Principal Reflections

From the Principal - Alison 

Dear Parents, Carers and Friends,

Welcome Kindergarten 2024

What a fantastic start to school for our Kindergarten class of 2024. During my classroom visits it was wonderful to see them actively engaged in learning activities, making friends and having fun. Today was even more special for Saxon and Landon as we celebrate their 6th birthday today. We look forward to a wonderful year ahead. 



School Staffing Framework and Role Guide

The start of year is always a busy one, often involving meeting new people and building relationships to support learning. To make life and communication a little easier for our parents we have developed a guide to who is who at Eddies. Please ensure that all communication to teachers is done via Compass or by simply calling the school and speaking to our fantastic office staff.


Living Well, Learning Well Framework

The Living Well, Learning Well framework is an excellent resource that is followed by all staff in our school in order to increase learning, wellbeing and life-opportunity outcomes for our St. Eddies students.  All of our students are well aware and can actively communicate our three 'Rules for Living and Learning' which define the behaviour expectations we have for ourselves and others.  Our three rules for living are:

I and safe, 

I am valued respected and cared for, 

I am a learner.

Our staff are always working closely with children and families to encourage good behaviour, self-discipline and respect for ourselves and others. We ask that you support our work at home so we can continue to ensure that all students have the right to learn in a safe and happy environment.



To support and recognise positive interactions and choices our Assistant Principals have introduced a fortnightly award that will be presented to a student who is consistently represents our three rules for living. 

Parents and Friends Association Meeting

Our first Parents and Friends Association Meeting AGM was held at the Primary Campus Staffroom on Tuesday night at 5.30pm. It was wonderful to welcome some new faces to our highly productive P and F team.  The elected P and F Committee for 2024 is as follows:

President:  Mrs Lauren Propsting 

Vice President:  Mrs Loran Heyman

Secretary:  Mrs Jessica Smith

Treasurer:  Mrs Melinda Vine

Our 2024 St Ed's P & F Committee
Our 2024 St Ed's P & F Committee


Congratulations to our P and F team. I look forward to continuing the great work of the Parents and Friends in collaboration with you all in 2024.


Until next week,

Keep smiling,


Alison Hatton