College Events

School Tour Dates:
Visit Killester on a normal Monday and see the school ‘in action’ at 9.00 am.
When dates become available for 2024, please click here to register.
Term 1:
4 March
Term 2:
22 April
24 April (Twilight Evening 4.30pm-6.30pm)
6 May
3 June
Term 3:
22 July
5 August
19 August
2 September
Term 4:
14 October
11 November
Year 7 (2026) Key Enrolment Dates:
Applications close: Friday 16 August
Interviews: Saturday 24 August
Offers mailed out: Friday 18 October
Acceptance due: Friday 8 November
Alumni Reunions:
Reunions are held at Killester College on Sundays from 2.00 -5.00 pm.
If you would like to celebrate your 10, 20, 30, 40 or 50-year reunion, please get in contact with to organise a reunion date with us.
Covid Missed Years Reunion - 2 June 2024
Registration of attendance:
RSVP is essential for catering purposes
Class of 1969 - 2 March 2024
Sustainable School Shop