Latest News

Year 7 First Day - 1st February
Today we officially welcomed our newest members, Year 7 - 2024 students!
Our Year 7 students spent the day with their Homeroom teachers, decoded their timetable, familiarising themselves with the school grounds, and finding out their House colors.
Welcome to our Killester community and we look forward to watching you all flourish during your time here!
Student Leaders Training Day - 1st February
Today our Student Leaders spent the day with the team from Yellow Arrow undertaking workshops and training.
They focused on the areas of communication, problem solving and team building.
We look forward to working alongside our student leaders and are excited for the year ahead!
Welcoming back Years 8-12 students -2nd February
It was a wonderful day to welcome back so many familiar faces!
New staff members
Please join us in saying hello to our new staff members!
We extend a warm welcome to Ms Henderson, Ms Hundal, Mr Lawlor, Mr Fera, Ms Smith, Mr Phillips, Ms Lam, Mr Xu, Ms McLean, Ms Jenkins, Ms Merrick, Ms Holohan and Ms Langford (not pictured).
We are so glad to have you part of our amazing college community
High Achiever's Award Assembly - 2 February
Our College gathered together for the first time to celebrate our High Achievers from 2023. We heard from both our VCE Dux, Mary, and our VCE - VM Top Student, Madison, who both encouraged our current students to have courage.
Mary, our VCE Dux, said in her speech, I encourage you to have the courage to try new things, the courage to relish in the excitement of the unknown, and most importantly, have faith in yourself, your potential, and your ability to be resilient in the pursuit of your happiness and success.
We thank our High Achievers and their families for joining us on such a joyous occasion.
Year 11 Textiles - 6 February
Year 11 Product Design and Technology students started their Unit 1 studies by working in groups and getting creative. They were required to design and produce a paper Gown. Students were required to work cooperatively together to investigate techniques that would help create specifically tailored looks that would suit their final design. Students prototyped certain folding and cutting techniques on a ¼ scale mannequin to ensure their desired outcome could be achieved. Each group did well to complete their look quickly, showcasing their attention to detail and ability to work collaboratively within a group setting.
The team skills they have established throughout this task will carry over into their Unit 1 final garment, as they will continue to work as a team to produce a range of garments tailored to a specific theme.
Ms Dallas