Principal's Page

Jo Flynn

Parent and Community Engagement (PACE ) Meeting

Last week we held our first open Parent and Community Engagement Meeting. I would like to thank all the parents who attended this meeting and contributed to the discussion and the decisions about what we as a community would like to focus on. The minutes for this meeting will be available for the community shortly. I would like to particularly thank the elected executive and to congratulate them on hosting and running their first PACE meeting. Thank you Prue, Katie, Nic and Dan. 


The next open meeting will be held on Tuesday 19th March. This meeting will have a curriculum focus. Mr Scott Hudson, our Numeracy Coordinator, will introduce you to the new mathematics syllabus which is one of the first new syllabi that is part of the education reform. Scott will also introduce you to the new assessment tool we are using this year to accurately assess where each student is in their learning and what we need to teach them next. This assessment tool will be used for each new unit of work. 


Going forward, the PACE committee, in collaboration with myself, have agreed to hold two meetings each term, on a Tuesday evening at 6pm. The first meeting will be held in Week 3 each term and focus on the community needs and agenda. The second meeting each term will be held in Week 8 and will have an agreed on education focus so that parents are informed of the current education agenda at Catherine McAuley. All parents and interested members of the McAuley family are invited to these meetings.



The Newsletter is the primary source of communication from the school. It is very important that the community read the newsletter. If you are reading this, please ask your friends and members of the community that you know to also read it. 


Notifications and reminders will be sent out on COMPASS. In response to feedback from parents, these notifications and reminders,  where possible and non urgent, will be scheduled to be sent after 6pm.


Another source of information is the Parent Handbook which is available on the school Website: The handbook is updated annually or as necessary. 


Easter Raffle and Hat Parade

Please find details on the community news page of this newsletter.


Principal on Leave

I am taking personal leave in Term 2, 2024. In order to minimise the disruption to the running of the school and the students' learning and wellbeing, an interim principal has been appointed. Mrs Gai Melville is an experienced principal who has worked in a number of locations in Sydney. I am sure you will join me in welcoming Gai to the McAuley Family.