Learning and Teaching 

Dear Parents ,


We have had a very smooth start to the year. All learning spaces have had time to help students develop a deeper sense of belonging, and to build the emotional and relational foundations to a pathway for learning through our “Start Up” program.


Our Inquiry topic for this term is COMMUNITY


In the inquiry classroom we use provocations to spark curiosity and wonder from the students. Provocations are images, artefacts, videos or questions that have close links to the content or topic being explored. By using provocations, it allows the teacher to gain insight into what the students know and where to take learning experiences into the future. 


Here are our BIG Questions for this term's topic COMMUNITY


Prep - How can we look after ourselves and other members of  our community keeping                          everyone safe and healthy?


1/2 - How do people design and produce products to meet the needs of themselves and their            community?


3/4 -  What are our roles and responsibilities when building a fair and just community?


5/6 -  How can we embrace our democratic society to better understand the world God made            for us?


Mulilit’s SpellEX


SpellEx is a language-based, explicit approach to the teaching of spelling. It is centred around a whole-class lesson, followed by additional opportunities to consolidate. The interaction between phonology, orthography and morphology underpins the approach, providing students with a deeper understanding of the English spelling system.


The program follows a scope and sequence that builds on skills taught in earlier years and aligns with the National Curriculum. Regular progress monitoring enables teachers to identify which students need more support and which students may need extending.

It  will be introduced in the 3/4 learning space this term. Vicki and Jess will be doing the training for the program this Friday.




Kind regards

Megan Barber
