The IPS Strings Program 

An ensemble based program offering 3 levels of ensemble as well as individual lessons.

Year 2 students, there’s still time to join Start Up Strings 2024


The IPS String Program has been running for more than 25 years and currently has over 100 children participating. It is an ensemble based program offering 3 levels of ensemble as well as individual lessons. 


Children can start in the Start Up Strings which is aimed at Year 2 students. During Terms 1 & 2, the Start Up Strings has 2 group classes per week: Tuesdays & Thursdays 8.05am-8.50am in the Music Room. During Terms 3 & 4, children move to having one individual lesson during the school day and one before school group class.


In their second year of learning, children move into the Corelli Strings and then from the third year of learning, children play in the IPS Orchestra, whilst continuing their individual lessons as well.


Playing a string instrument is a great way to engage many facets of the brain simultaneously and it provides a fabulous chance to connect with others by playing music together. We are pleased to be able to offer this wonderful opportunity to the children of IPS.


If you are interested in strings at IPS, please contact the Strings Co-ordinator, Margaret Butcher


Start Up Strings, Corelli Strings, Orchestra & individual string lessons start in Week 2

  • Corelli Strings starts on Monday 5th February 8.05am in the Music Room
  • Orchestra starts on Wednesday 7th February 7.50am in the School Hall
  • Start Up Strings starts on Thursday 8th February 8.05am in the Music Room
  • Individual lessons start in Week 2 – look out for an email from your string teacher over the weekend

We are looking forward to seeing you all again!


From Margaret and the String Team (Alice, Annelies, Erna, Hannah, Liz, Luke, Margaret, Marie, Sophia)