Foundation L

Term 1


What a wonderful start we have had in Foundation L. The students settled so well this week and enjoyed taking part in various activities throughout the week. It has been a pleasure to see their smiling faces entering each morning for another wonderful day of learning. 



During the week, we practised tracing, ordering and writing our names using a capital letter at the beginning and lowercase letters to follow. The students did a fantastic job at these activities and enjoyed creating their name caterpillars. 


We also read the story 'The Dot' by Peter H. Reynolds. It was a wonderful story about a girl named Vashti who didn't believe in her creative side. In the story, the teacher encouraged Vashti until she began to make simple dots into masterpieces of her own.  After the story, the students used oil pastels to create their own individual 'dot'. They did a fantastic job!

In maths, we began to explore different 2D shapes. The students practised identifying, drawing and sorting shapes. We also used different shapes to make pictures different pictures. Have a look at our wonderful creations. 

It has been a wonderful start to the year and we cannot wait to have more adventures and fun in our class! 


Mrs Lacriarde & Foundation L