Initial Lit
This term we are very excited to announce the start of a new literacy program called ‘InitialLit’. InitiaLit will be rolled out across Foundation, Year 1 and Year 2. The program utilises a sound-by-sound synthetic phonics approach to teach students to read and spell. InitiaLit follows a prescribed sequence of phonic skills. To develop automatic word recognition, InitiaLit-1 provides multiple opportunities for students to practise applying phonic skills to the reading of single words in isolation and in sentences. We are all looking forward to starting this exciting journey with students.
To support your child’s learning at home, you could engage in the following:
- Listen to your child read their reader each day and encourage them to record this in their Reading Diary.
- Strengthen your child’s comprehension by asking them to retell the main events in the book, in the order in which they occurred.
- Ask your child to make explain possible reasons for different events in the text, such as: “Why do you think the character was crying on the second page?”
- Log in and use ‘Reading Eggs,’ which contains a variety of texts, lessons and learning tasks.