Year 5 Specialist News - Term 1



 Transdisciplinary theme: Who we are 


Central idea: Different perspectives Influence the way people treat each other 


Lines of inquiry: Confidence in interacting with our classmates in Arts activities helps me understand myself and establish a harmonious community 


Key Concepts: connection & form 


Learner Profile Attributes: balanced & principled 


Students will:   

  • Develop responsibility and a connection with each other as they participate in class singing and drama games 
  • Gain an understanding of music writing and chords, as they learn to play the Ukulele 
  • Take risks as they rehearse and perform pieces for Ukulele and as they sing in small groups and class ensembles

Demonstrate being principled as they show responsibility for the ukuleles and as they see that the consequence of practice is a polished performance. 




 Transdisciplinary theme: Where we are in place and time


Central idea: Past events shape the present and future 


Lines of inquiry: 

  • Japanese migrants in Australia
  • How Japan people feel about immigrants who are living in Japan         


Key Concepts:  change, causation 


Learner Profile Attributes: reflective, inquirer  


Term focus: (language and culture):

Greetings, Adjectives, Self-introduction, Classroom instructions, Japanese immigrants in Australia, SETSUBUN festival, Video talk with Japanese students (5B) 


The students will be able to:    


  • Describe what they did over the holidays using a past tense form in Japanese saying TANOSHIKATTA DES. (It was fun.)   Introduce themselves to SENSEI
  • Spell their name in Katakana characters.   
  • Spell Japanese characters in the right order  
  • Say and spell classroom words like KASHITE KUDASAI, TOIRE IIDES KA, MEZOO IIDES KA, etc   
  • Describe what SETSUBUN (Bean throwing festival) is, as well as why, when, how Japanese people celebrate the festival  
  • Tell how, why, when Japanese people migrated to Australia 
  • Tell how foreigners in Japan live as immigrants and how Japanese people feel about them

Physical Education


 Transdisciplinary theme: Who we are


Central idea: Effective teamwork in PE activities enhances individual performances and a supportive and cohesive group dynamic through communication and trust and sharing goals to achieve success. 


Lines of inquiry:   

Communication: How does effective communication contribute to teamwork?  

What cues enhance collaboration during team sports (verbal and non -verbal)


Problem solving strategies: -How do teams' approach and solve challenges when they occur in physical activities


Trust-building activities: What activities help us build trust among team members in a PE activity session 


Key Concepts:  


  • Students are asked to work within teams to encourage and take ownership of their own actions and reactions. Discover through activity how this impacts a game and performance outcomes.  


  • Students are responsible for accessing the PE Shed and equipment to help set up and mark out fields/game areas and safety in games. Students develop respect and tolerance towards others, demonstrating open-mindedness and caring for each other.  


Learner Profile Attributes:   

principled and open minded 


Students will:  

  • Team Building Activities- Parachute Games and Kubb 
  • Throwing and Catching Strategy Games   
  • Modified Cricket and Softball Activities 
  •  Refine the basic and complex motor skills of Throwing, Catching and Striking in game situations. The children will begin to evaluate a peer's performance during modified Cricket and Softball games and learn to provide constructive feedback based on performance criteria to assist skill development



Transdisciplinary theme:  Who we are 


Central idea: Collage create compositions that reflect individual identity, interests, and experiences 


Lines of inquiry: 

  • Appreciation and how artists use collage as a means of self-expression and storytelling 
  • Composition techniques, scale, and proportion for arranging and layering collage materials to create visually interesting artworks 
  • Mixed media collage, combining collage techniques with other art forms, such as painting and drawing 


Key Concepts: form, perspective and composition 


Learner Profile Attributes: balanced and communicators 


Students will create: 

  • Abstract textural painting as the first component of the layers to be used in constructing their collage
  • Pattern and Illustration applying detail and tonal elements as the second component of layers for their collage 
  • A final poster combining each component to complete their collage- painted texture, pattern and illustration, newspaper and magazine images and colour paper. This activity captures all design elements- composition, balance, colour, and scale