Principal's Message

Can you believe that we have already hit Week Four of Term One? Whilst in many ways it feels like the year has still only just begun, I do feel we have hit that sweet spot, in which our focus on relationship building and creating a calm and orderly environment is beginning to benefit our students and their learning. We continue to strive towards further improvement of course, but consistency and persistence will get us there.
Supporting your child to maintain positive wellbeing
I have mentioned it in a few different forums now, previous newsletters and assemblies that we now have Paul and Sonia working for us the equivalent of one day per week each, as Student Welfare Officers. We are really excited about how this work is moving forward behind the scenes to support your children.
- Last week all students in Years 3 – 6 completed an online check in survey around their current level of perceived wellbeing. Data from these surveys is being collated to be shared at our student wellbeing meeting this week.
- Beginning next week all students in Year P – 6 will complete a 5-question survey which will show either an improving, static or a declining sense of wellbeing. We look forward to using this data to support which of our students are invited to take part in small group programs.
- Teachers have completed SAEBERS (Social, Academic, Emotional Behaviour Risk Screener) to identify students at risk in the above areas. This information is being used in conjunction with student survey results to identify students who require additional wellbeing support.
Whilst it is wonderful to have these tools to support our staff in their decision making, we also understand the need to have a ‘human approach’ to all of this. Cue another reminder from me that - We care about your child, your family and we want to support you. If something is happening for your family, be it big, small, exciting or challenging – we want to know about it. Call, email or drop in for a chat anytime.
Curriculum Day Success
Thanks so much to our community for their support in keeping your children entertained on Monday whilst we had a Curriculum Day. I know from personal experience what a challenge it can be to juggle work and parenting, so much appreciated. Whilst I recognise the year has just begun and it may seem a funny time from your perspective for a ‘day off,’ Monday was anything but for our staff. In fact, it was an important day, with our teachers taking part in some further learning about the explicit teaching of Writing. We can’t wait to share our progress with you all as we begin implementing this further knowledge and skills in our classrooms.
Compass = Communication
Just a reminder to make sure you are all set up on Compass and that your notifications are turned on. As well as notification of parent teacher interviews, curriculum days, newsletter releases and excursions, we also update our community about important things such as school closures due to bushfire risk through this medium. It is critical that you have access. If you need a hand please just drop into the office and Audrey, Sonia or myself can help you out.
Twilight Tour Evening
On Thursday 7th March, Launch PS are hosting a Twilight Tour evening from 5:30 – 6:30PM. We encourage parents who are thinking of enrolling their child, beginning school in 2025 to come along to hear about our school from our community – staff, students and parents. Posters with RSVP details, coming out tomorrow.
Outer East Principal Meeting
Each term Department of Education regional staff put together a special day for Principals to attend and participate in professional learning, hear from leaders of other schools in our networks and get our brains together to work collaboratively in how we can further improve our schools. This meeting involved setting priorities for the year and ensuring that Principals understood the view of the Department in what they feel, based on the data available to them are the key priority areas for 2024.
- Attendance - To learn effectively students must be at school 95% or more of the time. Schools are being asked to track attendance and follow up with families of students who have declining attendance rates.
- Learning – We know that students require explicit instruction at their point of need to learn. It is the responsibility of schools to ensure that all students receive this.
- Wellbeing – Schools have access to a variety of supports and agencies to refer students
- Lifting Maths Outcomes – Some students have some hesitation around mathematics and don’t typically see themselves as successful in this space. DET is working with schools to change the mindset around Mathematics and hence build students to be more successful mathematicians.
Virtual Tour
See you around our place,
Laura Caddy