
Hi students of TSC,
We want to thank you for your engagement in wellbeing this term in our brand-new space next door to the breakfast club.
This term we had over 120 referrals to wellbeing, with almost 50% of those referrals being year 10.
From the referrals, we can see that our students are feeling anxious, stressed from study pressure, and finding it difficult to regulate their emotions.
As a wellbeing team, we will be looking at this information and finding new ways to support our students with this.
As always, you are all welcome to come to wellbeing if you are feeling like you need to talk to someone.
No ‘concern’ or ‘issue’ is too small or too big, everyone is welcome.
In wellbeing, we take your confidentiality very seriously and we explain that at the start of your appointment.
Looking forward to seeing you all back in term 2. We wish you the best holidays!
Thank you,
Dot Bertrand, on behalf of the wellbeing team.
A huge shoutout to all the TSC students who participated and supported the wellbeing lunchtime activities this term.
Without your engagement, we wouldn’t be able to make these activities happen!
This term we played basketball, netball, volleyball, touch rugby, and soccer and of course danced to some amazing music.
If there is a sport you want to play or an activity you have in mind for term 2, please see Hoki in wellbeing and we will do our best to make it happen!
We are looking forward to term two with all of you,
-The Wellbeing team