Year 3 Update
Well done to all our year 3 students who completed NAPLAN over the past two weeks. The year three teachers are so proud of the student's positive attitude and persistence.
During the next week, Year 3 students are undertaking learning in the following areas:
Literacy: In reading, in the next week, we will be looking at the relationship between nouns and verbs when reading and building sentences.
In writing, in the next week, we will be finalising our narrative drafts, using editing skills, and publishing final pieces.
Maths: In the next week, will be rounding off our unit on 3D shape, and moving into our unit on angles. Students will be learning what a right angle is and exploring them within their surroundings.
Inquiry: Our topic this term is 'How can I create a healthy me?'
Students, this term, have been investigating the connection between a healthy body and mind to contribute to healthy and active environments. This week we will be doing a check in, with students creating a healthy lifestyles poster, demonstrating their learning this term.
S.E.L.: We will be forming positive relationships, working in teams, dealing effectively with conflict by recognising student's emotions and values, as well as their strengths and challenges. We will continue to work closely with the new school values of, kindness, respect and resilience. We will use these values to understand The Matrix of Expected behaviours in and around the school. In particular discussing students' strong emotions, and their personal strengths to assist students with learning resilience.
News and reminders
Last day of term 1: Next week is our last week of term, with students finishing on Thursday 28th March and pick up is at the earlier time of 2.30pm.
Celebration of learning