Community News 

Emmanuel College News

It was wonderful to see students cheering each other on, participating in team events and reaching their personal best in individual events at Athletics Day last week. Congratulations to Winters Houseat St Paul’s and McCoy House at Notre Dame in achieving the most House points on the day. 


Year 7 2026 – Applications close Friday 16 August 2024

If your child is currently in Grade 5, it is a requirement to submit an application, if you wish to be considered for a place in Year 7 2026, even if you already have an older child who attends the college.


A Prospectus Pack containing an application form can be requested under the Enrolment Informationtab on the right-hand side of the homepage of the College website: Request a Prospectus here,by coming into either campus office or by calling our College Registrar on 8325 5119.


Our first College experiences for the year are coming up, commencing with the Meet the Principal event and tour - details for each campus are below:


St Paul’s Campus · Meet the Principal - Thursday 29 February at 9:15am


Notre Dame Campus · Meet the Principal - Thursday 7 March at 9:15am


Registration is essential – please follow this link: 

College Tour and Event registration


We look forward to seeing you at a College event soon.


Yours sincerely

Jenny Hendricks

St Mary's College News