Whole School
Whole School BBQ - NEXT WEEK
Wednesday 21 February | 4.30pm - 6pm
A reminder that RSVPs for the upcoming Whole School BBQ are due by Sunday 18 February. Although this is a free event we require RSVPs for catering purposes. This event will be held at 395 Argyle Street Hobart - Walpole Courtyard.
We will be welcoming The Rotary Club of Lindisfarne to run a sausage sizzle, both gluten free and vegan options will be available. Two of our students, Amelia Cooper (Year 10) and Rupert Bullard (Year 12) will be performing and we will have giant lawn games to play.
Please book your tickets here.
2025 Scholarship Applications Now Open
Online applications for Merit, Music and Boarding Scholarships for entry into Years 7 and 11 in 2025 are now open. More information on these scholarships can be found on the Scholarships & Bursaries page of the website. Scholarship applications are submitted online and there is no cost to apply.
If you have any queries, please don't hesitate to contact our Enrolments Office on 6210 2286 or enrol.office@friends.tas.edu.au
Quaker Meetings for Worship
All members of The Friends’ School community are welcome to attend our Meeting for Worship any Sunday from 10.00am, closing about 11.00am, with morning tea available afterwards.
Children are always welcome and there is a Children’s Meeting held concurrently with the Meeting for Worship. They learn about Quaker values through a range of interesting and fun activities. Around 10.50am the children join the Meeting for Worship, settling into the gathered Meeting for the last 10 minutes, usually sitting with their parents.
If you have any enquiries about the Children’s meeting please email rmtasclerk@quakersaustralia.info
Thursday Morning Meeting for Worship
Members of The Friends' School community are welcome to attend a short Meeting for Worship held each Thursday morning during term time, starting at 7.45am. Just come quietly in when you can and join us until 8.20am in the Hobart Quaker Meeting House, which is located just below the Clemes office on Boa Vista Road.
Community Yoga
Wednesdays 7.45am - 8.15am
An inspiring way to start your day with energising movement, focused breathing and a moment for relaxation and stillness. All members of the school community are welcome to attend and no prior yoga experience is necessary.
Julia will meet you outside the door on the Carr Street side of the Senior chool at 7.40am. If you would like more information contact our school Yoga teacher Julia Gibson.