
Christian Service Carousel
Quest Retreat Preparation
On Tuesday, our Year 12 Cadre demonstrated their enthusiasm for TC by presenting what it means to be a Man for Others. They met the Year 8 cohort in the Trinity Sport Centre and presented their experiences of various Christian Service opportunities – Red Cross Soup Patrol, Kimberley Immersion, Senior Project, and Eddie Rice Camps for Kids. They Cadre were inspirational leaders and speakers, and the Year 8 students were fully engaged in the incredible opportunities available to them. Thank you to Mr Le Tessier for all his efforts inputting this session together.
Ash Wednesday Liturgy
Lent sharpens our awareness of prayer and the importance of doing good work, acting selflessly and with compassion.
On Wednesday, the Junior School met in the Chapel and the Senior School met in the Trinity Sport Centre to celebrate our Ash Wednesday Liturgy. Fra Oscar led us in a meaningful Liturgical Service and Mrs Stewart kindly helped us reflect on the importance of Caritas in our local and global communities. Our challenge is to each bring in $20.00, which can be collected via our own pocket money, or something we have gone without. I encourage all families to support Caritas, and through our generosity, many poor people of the world will have their basic needs met during Lent. Mrs Stewart, Mr Byrne and I thank you for your prayers and generosity this Lent.
Peer Minister Training Day #3
The Peer Ministers Training Day #3 ran on Wednesday 14 February. Mr Le Tessier and Mr Byrne with the Year 11 Peer Ministers and the Mercedes College girls to help prepare for the upcoming Year 8 Quest Retreat.
Friday Community Mass
Friday 8:00am Community Mass re-commenced this week. A big thank you to Mr Hribernik’s 12.1 PCG and Mr Russell’s 8.1 PCG, especially our readers. It is lovely seeing all our Altar Servers and regulars attending. Fra Oscar, thank you as always for a meaningful Homily and Eucharistic celebration. We missed it on Wednesday.
Mrs Rosa West
Director of Campus Ministry
St Benedict's Parish
Sacrament Programme 2024
Families who wish to enrol their child in the 2024 Sacrament programme at St Benedict’s Parish Applecross can download enrolment forms via the St Benedict’s parish Applecross Website.
Follow the instructions via the About Ss (top Panel). Read the information sheet which has all the information required on the requirements and instructions on how to enrol your child. All enrolment forms are to be returned to the Parish office by Friday, 22 March 2024. Payment is to be made by direct debit into the Parish Account. Details are outlined on the relevant enrolment forms.
Further enquires can be directed to the Sacrament Co-ordinator Rosa Ranieri at Rosa works at the parish office every Wednesday 2.00pm - 4.00pm.