Mission & Religious Education News

New Staff Induction
As part of the work teach lead policy an induction is required for new staff each year in regards to the Catholic life of the diocese. This applies to all school staff, not only teaching staff. Given the amount of new staff in 2024 and the difficulties in terms of covering said staff there are three different dates for this induction.
VENUE: Catholic Schools Office, Armidale
TIME: 9am - 3pm
March 8
August 2
November 15
Register here
REC Cluster Links
The REC cluster meetings are this Friday the 16th of February and are timed as follows
Plains Cluster - 8.00am
Foothills Cluster - 9.00am
Tablelands Cluster - 11.00am
Secondary Cluster - 2.00pm
The first Cornerstones session for 2024 is coming up on 7 March OR 14 March. Please register here. This is for both those continuing the course from last year AND new participants.
FAQs: Mass - First Things First
The initial part of the mass (the introductory rites) is an important time of gathering and preparation. The entrance hhelps to open the celebration, unite us as a body, and lead our thoughts towards the mystery of God's love which we have come to celebrate. The priest's greeting (“The Lord be with you”) and the congregation's response (“And with your spirit”) affirms that Christ is present in our midst. This is a time for focussing on the importance of the opportunity for worship that lies before us.
Upcoming Feast Days
Wed 21 Commemoration of Saint Peter Damian
Fri 23 Commemoration of Saint Polycarp
Tue 27 Commemoration of Saint Gregory of Narek