Ryan’s Rambling 

Message from the Principal 

Dear Parents, Grandparents & Friends,


The cool change certainly came through thick and fast last night, which was a welcome relief to all, I am sure. It is difficult to fathom that we are almost half way through Term 1! Our classes have, thankfully, remained calm and focussed. 


Our Grade 5 students were treated to a wonderful couple of days immersion in a simulated 1850s life at Sovereign Hill. The students donned clothing reflective of the time and took part in a number of amazing experiences, such as a school session, where they may have gotten into trouble for not knowing their 16 times tables! 


We have an absolutely fantastic Student Leadership Team this year! Our leaders met for a fun filled day of challenge and exploration, whilst we unpacked what it takes to be a good leader. Our students took to the challenge brilliantly and I can’t wait to see how they can collectively affect change across our school this year. 


This week, you should have received a message from your child’s teacher about an individual goal for your child, for this term.  As part of our practice, our staff collectively assess and create specific and timely goals for all of our students, so that they can target point of need learning. Any help and support from home is, of course, greatly appreciated, but we certainly do not expect it! If you are unsure, please have a chat with your child’s teacher. 


Next week, our attention turns to our Athletics Day. The long-term weather forecast indicates it will be warm, but not too hot. If there is a chance of extreme weather, we will be sure to postpone the event if there is a risk to student safety.  We look forward to a fantastic day of friendly competition at Llanberris Reserve. Thank you to the many parents who have volunteered for the day. 


I hope that you’re able to rest and recharge this weekend


Ryan 😊