Around the School


The Naplan Testing schedule begins on the 13th of March.  Except for writing, catch-up tests can occur until Monday 25th March.

Students can familiarise themselves with the format and style of tests by visiting

This site contains great information for parents and children experiencing NAPLAN for the first time.


STEAM- (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics)


Our junior students have been given the challenge to work together with a focus on taking turns and listening to each other as they design and create a flood-safe house on stilts for Red Riding Hood's Grandma, safe from wolves - away from the woods.

Their house also has to withstand strong winds and grandma's weight.

Below are some of our prototypes.





Shayne Reese Swimming

Our year 3/4 students took part in an Intensive swimming program last week, as you can see from their faces they had a wonderful time.






The DATE for the U9 encouragement swimming meet has been CHANGED to THURSDAY 14th MARCH. 

All other details remain the same. 

Entries I have received so far will remain entered, unless you contact me to say that the new date doesn't suit. 

I can accept new entries up until Friday the 1st of March. 

Please see attached flyer and email me 



Good luck to all our Swimmers competing this Friday in the Eureka Swimming Meet at the Eureka Pool!!! 


As part of the AFL Community Camp the Western Bulldogs visited our Yr3/4s for a clinic and Q&A session.





This is a sneak peak of some of the amazing work that will be on show at our St Patrick Expo tomorrow.






















Religious Education News

Sacramental Program

The Reconciliation Program started last week with a student session at school. Students will be taken through the program at St Patrick’s Primary School by Kerin Johnson with parents being able to support the learning at home. The Reconciliation books can be taken home to support the learning, and then returned to school for the next lesson. There is a note that tells you which pages parents can work through with their children.

During the Reconciliation program, there are 3 weekend Masses that students are to attend with their families - either Saturday 5.30pm, Sunday 10.30am or Sunday 5.00pm. This weekend, 2nd/3rd March is Prayer Sunday and children will be given a prayer card. On 16th/17th March, which is Presentation Sunday, children will receive a gift to support their faith life.

If your child is not yet registered please email Tony or 53312933. 


Lenten Assemblies and Lenten Family Activity,

The date and time for our Lenten Family Activity will be finalised next week, as well as details for our “Way of the Cross” presentation.


Our Lenten Prayer assemblies will take place in the following weeks, with dates and times to be announced next week:


  • Lenten Prayer #1, led by our F/1 students, in week 6
  • Lenten Prayer #2, led by our 3/4 students, in week 7
  • Lenten Prayer #3, led by our 1/2 students, in week 8
  • Lenten Prayer #4, led by our 5/6 students, in week 9

“Way of the Cross” on Thursday 28th  March, week 9 



Buddy Necklace Making






St. Patrick's PS students were shocked and amazed when Taylor Swift came to our school for a 'secret' performance... Well, kind of.

Some enthused and motivated Gr 5/6 students caused a "flash mob" with their performance inspired by Taylor Swift's very popular Era's Tour. Luckily, there was no fainting. However, there was some dizziness, but sufferers were able to "... shake it off". 










Extend Before and After School Care