From the Principal

Dear families,


We are so proud of the work taking place across the school - it's only week 5 and we're seeing tremendous gains schoolwide. I'd like to take a moment to share some of our current work...where we are at, and where we are going! There will continue to many opportunities to engage with us this year. We are keen to engage with you, so if there's specific areas of interest please let us know. Keep an eye out, there will be a parent helper session offered shortly.


Staff Professional Development in SWPBS Framework: 

Our staff team have been actively engaged in professional development sessions centered on the School-Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) framework. This framework emphasises proactive strategies to create and maintain a positive school culture, foster student well-being, and enhance academic achievement. Our  commitment to SWPBS will continue to grow as we dedicate our closure day on April 26th to further explore and refine our implementation of these essential practices. We will continue to share more about this process as the year progresses. 


Introduction of New Pedagogies for Deep Learning Framework: 

Embracing the New Pedagogies for Deep Learning (NPDL) framework, St Patrick's is prioritising the cultivation of six global competencies: critical thinking, collaboration, communication, creativity, character, and citizenship. Through NPDL, we are equipping our students with the skills and dispositions needed to thrive in an ever-changing world, empowering them to become lifelong learners and responsible global citizens. 


Implementation of Structured Synthetic Phonics in the Junior School: 

In our junior school, we are continuing implementation process of Promoting Literacy Development (PLD), a structured synthetic phonics approach. PLD focuses on systematically teaching phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension, laying a solid foundation for literacy success. Through PLD, we aim to enhance our students' reading and writing skills, ensuring they develop into proficient and confident readers. Our junior teaching team has recently held a parent information session for F-2 families.


Continued Work to Enhance Catholic School Identity: 

Our commitment to fostering a vibrant Catholic School Identity remains unwavering. With the invaluable support of visiting staff from the Diocese of Ballarat Catholic Education Limited (DOBCEL), we are engaged in meaningful activities and discussions to deepen our understanding and practice of contemporary Catholic education experiences. Through prayer, reflection, and service-oriented initiatives, we are nurturing the spiritual growth of our students and strengthening our sense of faith-based community.


We are deeply grateful for your ongoing support and partnership as we embark on this journey of growth and transformation. If you have any questions or would like further information about any of the initiatives mentioned above, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. It has been so exciting to see many parents and grandparents coming through the doors and sharing learning experiences with our students. I can't say it enough - the doors are always open, you're always welcome. 


2025 Foundation Enrolments: Now Open

Current St Patrick's Families: We ask our St Patrick's families who have children in Kindergarten this year who wish to enrol their child in Foundation 2025 at St Patrick's to please complete their application for Expression of Interest by 11th March. You will find the steps to enrol readily available on our website - if you have any questions please don't hesitate to call.


2025 Foundation Enrolments are now open. If you have a child in kindergarten and you would like to secure a place for them in Foundation at St Patrick's in 2025, you need to follow the enrolment application process outlined on our website:

Please note - this is for all enrolments including our current St Patrick's families. Applications close on 23rd May.


Please check the consent forms on PAM, these include the Digital Technology, Photographic and Parental Consent forms, please complete them by 4th March.

SchoolTV Launch

This term with our SchoolTV launch we are exploring and learning about Positive Parenting,  the importance of Sleep, and Diet and Nutrition.  Click on the link below to access videos- a wealth of videos, articles, and resources on these three topics.

All Editions | St Patrick's School - Ballarat ( Keep this link handy, SchoolTV is a phenomenal resource to support our students. There will be many useful articles shared frequently.

Story Time

Next week Kim Morrison will be recommencing Story Time sessions in the library each Thursday from 8:50am. Come along and join in for some amazing story-telling and a sing along! 

Assembly Tomorrow

We'd love to see you at our whole school assembly tomorrow afternoon at 2:45pm. We will be announcing our SRC and Environmental Captains.


Have a happy and safe week ahead.


Kind regards,

Ben Shields